Chapter 27- The Holoform

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They say you can never forget the most important memories in your life. The ones that make your heart shudder with emotions and imprint in your mind like tattoos. They also say that memories can be put aside, yet not forgotten. Those memories can be brought to your attention by things that trigger their awakening. When they awaken, you enter a state where you always think of them.

I'd never never felt such words be more accurate in my life.


Standing there, the remaining Ghosts by my side, everything felt possible. At the same time, everything felt impossible. Especially that faint, deep voice calling for us in the distance.


I heard it a third time. Then a fourth and, soon after, a tenth. The voice kept repeating.

"Who is it?" Kick wondered aloud.

Jason had grown to a stone beside me, his gaze fixed into the far distance as if he could see something none of us could. Logan had turned his head, straining his ears to hear the voice. Hesh, Kick and Merrick were all looking at me.

"I don't know," Merrick's solid lie could only be detected by me.

Spinning around, I faced Merrick. "You do, so tell!"

Merrick narrowed his gaze, tilting his head at me. "I'm not the only one who knows, am I?"

I stopped short. Hesh snapped to me and then looked towards Jason.

"You three do."

"We all should," Jason whispered, his gaze had moved towards Logan. "Logan?"

"It sounds familiar, but not enough to conclude who."

"Kick?" Jason looked towards the blue-eyed man.

Kick didn't say anything. Instead, he turned to look at me. "Who is it Hailey?"

I opened my mouth and then closed it.

"The truth, not some bullshit."

"There's no need to say," Jason stepped between us. "The voice can tell us."

Everyone froze where they stood, gazing behind me towards the entrance to the base. I could feel a gaze from the entrance on my back. Though it made me uncomfortable, I slowly turned my shoulders, I finished with a full head turn towards the entrance.

"Hailey," he spoke gently.

My words caught in my throat, making me cough and fall forwards. The tears I'd kept in for so long were streaming down my chilled cheeks within moments. I felt my entire body shaking as I continued to step forwards.


I began running, my hair flowing backwards as the man ahead of me did the same. His arms caught me before I could fall to my knees past him. I let out a wail and shut my eyes as I gripped the muscular man's light blue tee. He cradled me deep into his body, his own tears knotting my hair, as we collapsed to the ground.


I leaned backwards, trying to seeing through my blurry vision. His face was even more blurry, seeming to drive my dream deeper into an imaginative state. As soon as my vision focused even slightly, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out.


Shifting, I brought a hand to my forehead. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to figure out where I was. It looked to be the cafeteria area. 

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now