Chapter 24- Unusual Healing

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Logan's POV:

"Are you sure?" Merrick stepped closer to Alec, who still held the dog-tag necklace in his hand.

"The look in her eyes told me just that," Jason agreed.

"Worry about this later, we need to get him to a doctor!" Hesh was over Kick, trying to stop the heavy bleeding.

I acted first, sweeping up Kick into my arms and trying to lift him. Alec's words stopped me.

"They will wonder what happened."

"Then we'll tell them," I snapped.

Alec stood in front of me, blocking my exit towards any help that could possibly save Kick. I narrowed my blue gaze, watching as Alec looked over Kick. He was stalling and I couldn't tell why.

"Move!" Hesh finally stepped between us, shoving Alec to the side.

Using my powers, I bolted through the hallways to reach medical attention. Kick was bleeding all over my arms and shirt. Multiple times he let out a gurgled cough of blood.

"Hang in there Kick," I whispered.

Hailey had done more than wounded him. She'd done something to his mind, not allowing him to try and move or fight back. It was some type of paralyzing power. God damn....what had Ivana taught her?

"You must stay out," one of the head doctors told me sternly as I ran next to the gurney.

I slowed with a few bouncy, jogging steps. Breathing heavily, I watched as the group of white-coated men took Kick to try and help. At that moment, in that very hallway, I felt hopelessly weak.

Sliding down the wall, I tangled my blood-stained hands through my blonde hair and looked past my knees to the tiled floor. Kick had been wounded so easily. Hailey had hurt him even easier. What would happen to the rest of us? Hailey had so much power, she could do almost whatever she wanted. What did she even want to do to us?

"Logan," Hesh appeared down the hallway from where we'd entered, distracting me from my blubbering thoughts.

I released my hair as my older brother came to sit down next to me. His form was larger than mine, the old times where I'd use him for protection ringing in my head. I glanced over to his blank, pine green eyes.

"I could've seen what she was doing," I started, swallowing bitterly.

"Don't you dare blame yourself for this."

"But it's true. I could've at least tried to stop her, but instead I sat their like a dumbstruck idiot," I argued.

"He's going to be okay," Hesh tried to reassure the both of us. "Hailey wasn't going for a killing blow."

"What if she was?" I noticed Hesh's hesitation. "It would be one less of us to deal with in the end."

"What if she's not looking for war?" Hesh challenged, looking to me. "What if that necklace is for separation? She may want to be away from us."

"We killed her mother-"

"She got her revenge," Hesh glanced to Kick's surgery room.

"She wants us dead."

"Well," Hesh gripped my shoulder suddenly. "Whatever happens, brother, we have to stick together."

"Forever," I gripped his shoulder too, forcing a small smile to my tense jaw.

"L-Logan?" a small squeak came from the entrance to the hallway.

My gaze immediately snapped to where a figure stood. Wearing skinny jeans and a dark green tee with a leather jacket, bearing curls and make-up highlighting her bright green eyes, Hailey looked stunning. Her soft gaze was filled with tears and I instantly stood in defense.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now