Chapter 30- Sephtis

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My eyes didn't burn as they had before, but I could still feel the pain. It had traveled deeper into my core, twisting every inside like a nervous punch before a large presentation. That twist made every muscle in my body clench and present itself stronger than ever before. 

I found myself on a mossy forest floor. Morning sunlight stretched through the open spaces at the tops of trees and allowed little winged bugs to flicker in those patches of sun. A single white moth fluttered upwards from a leaf, disappearing into the tops of the illuminated trees. 

"W-What happened?" I groaned, half expecting someone to reply. 

My hands rubbed my face as I shoved myself up from the cool ground. A loud thud caught my attention and I snapped to where a doe had been startled from my movement. She had bounced a few paces away, turning her head in my direction and showing off those large radar-dish ears. Her tail swished and then she politely hopped away through the trees, the only giveaway her purely white tail- a stain on a white t-shirt. 

I began to walk back the way I'd come, following the pine needles my feet had bent the night before. The earthy smell of the forest I'd slept at all night stuck through my hair, leaving me to have a scent as if I'd been gardening all day. I wouldn't doubt that I looked the same as well. 

The view of the base appeared sooner than I expected- a grand pile of grey buildings surrounded by protective walls. Behind the buildings were mountains and in front of those was the small town where Jason lived. Beyond the mountains rested the rest of the world, which seemed so small nowadays, so distant. 


I looked up from where I studied the ground turning into a path. Jason was slowing Illusion from a trot, flinging himself off of the big black horse. 

"Where have you been? What happened? Are you alright?" 

I couldn't help but laugh to the fatherly sound of Jason's voice. "Of course I am." 

"We've been looking everywhere for you," Jason looked to where Illusion came up and nudged me. "You made all of us worried sick." 

"You don't look very sick riding a horse that you told me you couldn't," I sneered and then bit back my breath. 

Never had I been so snappy with Jason, even in the beginning of meeting him. Jason's eyebrows raised only slightly, leaving me to depict a bit of alarm, yet his eyes narrowed. I gazed past him to where Logan had entered the courtyard, his head raised high and his bright blue gaze on me only. 

"What is with you?" Jason snapped back. 

"Nothing," I hissed. 

"Obviously something," Logan called. "I could detect it from inside!" 

My head suddenly grew tight, my temples radiating like radars. The sound of anything caused me great harm as I cowered to the ground, falling to my knees. A scream erupted from my core. Jason flinched to the sound, covering his ears, while Logan burst forwards. 


"I'm fine!" I hissed, letting out another scream. 


"I said I'm fine!" I roared out, standing up and blowing Logan harshly away from me. 

Logan hit the cement flower pot connected to the ground, leaving a small crack in it. He let out a groan and rolled onto his hands and knees. I breathed heavily, my fists in tight balls. 

"Hailey," Jason lowered his voice. 

My gaze snapped to his and it widened just slightly. Jason did the same, taking an instinctive step backwards. I squinted then closed my green gaze, shaking my head. 

"Oh my god, Logan!" 

Logan had already stood up with the help of Keegan. I skidded to a stop, looking slightly upwards to the cold gaze of my husband. His blue eyes studied me in a long lasting silence until he faced Jason. 

"What happened?" 

Jason eyed me. "She screamed and then attacked Logan." 

"I didn't attack," I argued. "I simply got him away." 

"A little too forcefully," Logan muttered. 

"Shut up," I growled. "I couldn't control it!" 

A hand came to my forearm and I looked to a calm Keegan. "Couldn't control it?" 

"I was in so much pain during that stupid episode and a power just came out of me," I tried to look for the right words.

"Did Alec find you and do something to you?" Logan hissed. 

That name: Alec. It triggered something deep that core of mine. Everything twisted and I found myself struggling to control another burst of power. Keegan's hand, usually so cool, suddenly felt like lava. 

"Alec, we n-need to go after him." 

"We're working on it," Merrick had come to check on Logan, Hesh right there with him. 

"Why so antsy all of a sudden?" Hesh added. 

"We're wasting time just standing here," I hissed, looking at the suddenly foolish men around me. "Alec is probably already making moves." 

"Calm down, Hailey," Keegan squeezed my arm and I moved away from him.

"You guys aren't listening to me!" I shouted. "Alec is dangerous and we need to fight back before it's too late!" 

Everyone around me was just as confused at my outbursts as I was. My emotions were running higher, causing any little thing to trigger each one. I found my core hula hooping in every direction, pushing me one way then the other. 

Yet no matter which way the loops went, I found myself unable to control the drive to kill Alec. Everything willed me to find him, fight him and kill him. 

"Now, we need to attack now!" 

"We're working at it!" Merrick stepped forwards. "Tell us your plan and we might launch an attack within the next week." 

"I'll just do it myself!" I spun around, clutching onto Illusion's reins.

"Hailey, no!" Logan called out. 

"Don't be foolish!" Keegan added. 

"I'm not!" I hissed. "Heeyaw!" 

Illusion let out a snort as we began cantering away from the Ghosts. 

I had to find Alec. What drove me insane to do so was unknown, but I just knew that if he attacked first everything would be destroyed in his favor. That thought ate at me, churning that hatred, that desire to kill him. 

This time I wouldn't fail to end this war. 


Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now