Chapter 13- Stranger's Doorstep (Unedited)

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I apologize that this is shorter...the next one will be longer! I promise!



Ivana's POV:

I had definitely taken matters into my own hands- the man chained in front of me proved so. Did I feel bad for making my daughter leave? No. It was coming down to the final moments of ever being able to defeat the Ghosts. I had to act quick.

"You're going to help me Logan," I knelt down. "Just as I'm going to help you."

"Never!" Logan was fierce, I would give him that.

"Don't you remember how it felt to be powerful?" I tilted my head curiously at the younger blonde-haired soldier. "To train with Alec?"

"I'm not like that anymore!" Logan hissed.

"But you will be, I'll show you," I stroked his cheek and he flinched as if it were acid. "I'll make you have the power to allow Hailey to fall in love with you. You'll be able to defeat Alec."

"Where is Hailey? What have you done to her?" Logan hissed, his eyes blazing orange with power that I rather admired.

"She left," I said coolly.

"Liar!" Logan hissed, narrowing his flaming gaze.

"She wanted to leave!" I crouched in front of him. "Do you think I would have wanted her to? I need her just as much as you do!"

Logan still looked into my eyes with disbelief. "Hailey wouldn't do that."

"Oh Logan," I grabbed his chin. "You should really start trusting me, because right now I can kill you."

"I'd like to see you try," Logan taunted.

"I have bigger plans," I tilted my head, studying every single one of his handsome features. "I really don't see why, Hailey ignored you over Keegan. You're much hotter than he ever was."

"Keegan and Hailey belonged together. I wouldn't defy that- her happiness," Logan growled lowly.

"You can have her all you want," I spoke darkly. "Join me, Logan. Swear to fight with and for me so you can have Hailey and all the power you deserve."

"Your shit doesn't work on me," Logan hissed.

"No?" I tilted my head, close to him now.

"No," Logan's voice was more of a whisper.

Before I could taunt him more, I felt Logan leaned forwards and press his lips against mine. My thoughts went wild for the first touch from him. A deep heat from the wall in front of me, made my heart shiver for once as Logan broke through his cuffs.

Logan continued to heavily kiss me, cupping my cheeks roughly in his hands. His muscular arms lifted my legs as he towered over me. I almost laughed with amusement when Logan slammed us down onto the table in the place I'd called home- an old, broken-down two story house.

Without hesitation, I stripped Logan of his shirt and him of my pants. I tangled my hands through his thick blonde hair and rubbed along his abs, feeling the heat of his body surging with powers near the brink of outburst. My powers were fighting against his in our tongue-war. I dominated him by using my powers to calm his strongest powers.

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