Chapter 18- The Visitor

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Alec's POV:

I felt my breathing quicken as I sped through the forest. It was raining, leaving the trees to drop rain on me as I ran. My feet occasionally slipped in the wet leaves, but that didn't stop me from my destination.

The location Hailey had been pinpointed at was nearby. In fact, as I climbed up over a hill, I realized the local bookstore and house was right below me. The rain slipped down the roof to the gutters and then to the ground. I narrowed my gaze from underneath my cloak and stepped forwards, a single rain drop sliding off the front of my hood.

"Who's there?" a worried voice called out when I entered through the backdoor.

I moved into the shadows before the man could see me. I watched him as he searched carefully with his eyes throughout the small store. I didn't recognize him as Jason.

"Hailey!" the man called out, running for the entrance to the store.

Without hesitation, I flashed past him and stopped him at the door. My hand connected to his extending forearm, which I grabbed and flung back with ease. The man fell back to the floor an slid a few feet.

"Who are you? What do you want?" the man looked up at me.

I pulled back my hood and saw a flicker of realization hit the man's eyes. He backed up more and then stood up.


"How do you know me?" I hissed.

"Hailey has spoken about you," the man blinked. "I'm Jason."

A part of me felt stupid. "Where is she?"

"Running errands," Jason blocked his head from being read and I let out a sigh of frustration.

"You grow Sephtis right?" I grumbled, running a hand through my hair.


"I need some."

"For what?"

"You know what," I growled.

"Do you really think you're ready to kill her?" Jason demanded. 

"I won't be doing it," I hissed back.

"If it is one of the Ghosts, someone will be hurt, Alec," Jason warned. "It has to be you or Hailey."

"How much has she told you?" I demanded.

Jason was silent for a second, staring me down. "Everything."

I let out another grumble of frustration. "Can you just help me with the Sephtis?"

Jason motioned for me to follow him, leading me into his greenhouse. I noticed a horse stall in the corner. Jason followed my gaze and shook his head.

"Illusion found his way to her."

I widened my eyes in disbelief. "Interesting."

"Here's the killer," Jason was looking at a herb in front of us now.

I reached out to pick it, my hand being smacked roughly. I recoiled and let out a startled grumble. Jason glared at me.

"Don't just pick it! It can take away your powers."

"Only if it's injected inside of me," I pointed out.

Jason let out a sigh. "How old I'm getting. I can barely remember anything nowadays."

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora