Chapter 28- The Story

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Keegan's POV:

The iron gates in front of me rattled as Alec opened them. I watched as the rusty objects screeched open to reveal the powerful man in front of me. His gaze was steadily on me with a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Oh come on, Keegan," Alec taunted. "Just leave already."


Alec leaned forwards and clutched my wrist. "Because I need you to be the medicine to Hailey's pain, soon to come of course."

"You're a sick bastard," I growled.

"Sick enough to let you go, you're right," Alec hissed back. "Now go before I change my mind."

I shoved past my worst enemy and moved out into the sunlight. It stung my pale skin, almost a blinding mirror to any person around. My skin was filthy, just like that prison cell, and I ran a hand through my oily black hair.

"Best to be hurrying along, Mr. Russ," Alec hissed as he shot past me in super speed towards where the Ghosts' base would be.

I let out a sigh, my breath a horrid stink of nothing, and began weakly walking towards where I thought home would welcome me.


The shower water was warm and relaxing to my muscles, causing me to stay in the enclosed space for over twenty minutes. I couldn't get enough of the shampoo either, my hands squeezing almost the entire bottle into hair.

"Keegan?" someone came into the bathroom.

I swore the scent of roses and vanilla coated the room as she entered and I couldn't help but let out a groan. "Yes?"

"I'm leaving a towel here on the counter for you," Hailey sounded awkward, her shadow stepping in front of the privately covered shower door. "We're having dinner in a few minutes."

Please join me just for two.

"Thank you," I murmured, leaning my elbows against the wall and looking down at the drain.

"Keegan," Hailey paused, "are you okay in there?"

Come find out.

"Yes, I was just so filthy I don't think I can ever feel clean," I let out a small laugh.

Hailey let out an amused huff. "I'll be in the bedroom."

As soon as she left the bathroom, I exited the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waist and then looked in the mirror while I brushed my teeth for a third time. My eyes traveled to where bruises still laughed on my abs and a small scratch grinned on my jaw. Throughout my entire body, muscles still rippled, yet most were weaker than usual; that's what months without exercise did.

Leaving the bathroom, I came face to face with Hailey. Her green eyes strayed to my damp abs and her cheeks instantly turned rosy. I smirked when her gaze met mine.

"I missed you," she spoke awkwardly. "I thought you were fucking dead."

"Obviously I'm not," I promised.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," she crossed her arms from where she sat on the bed.

"And I will explain, but only once," I thought of dinner. "At dinner."

Hailey dipped her head. "Now put on a shirt and come join us."

As she stood up, I grabbed Hailey's wrist and pulled her into me. Her smile knowingly looked up to my face, her gaze burning every cell.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now