Chapter 7- Ivana

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My green eyes didn't stray from the moving water in front of me. I shook, not with anger or because I was cold, but because I was fearful. I was fearful for what was happening to me. Though I was to destroy them, I felt myself still drifting towards the Ghosts.

"You've come here why?" Allene was behind me suddenly.

"To think," I hugged my knees tighter.

"For three hours?" Allene was starting to sit down next to me dressed in jeans with a t-shirt and boots. "What's really on your mind, Hailey?"

"Read it," I snapped, not looking fully looking at her. "You have powers."

"With your current state, I can't read your mind," Allene made me look at her, surprised. "So tell me, what's up?"

I let out a sigh and looked back to the ocean. "I'm lost, Allene. I know I have to destroy the Ghosts, but something isn't letting me. I'm trying to figure out what that is."

Allene seemed to tense. "It's yourself, Hailey. You have to move past your own barriers."

"But how?" I whined.

"Get rid of what's stopping you the most," Allene spoke as if it were obvious.

I thought a moment and then sighed. "You're talking about Logan, aren't you?"

"Not exactly," a smirk tugged at Allene's lips.

"Then what exactly?" I stood up and yelled down at Allene- she didn't seem fazed. "Ever since you've taken me in, you've kept things from me! I'm tired of it! You're going to start being honest with me!"

"Or what?" Allene looked up to me, not convinced.

"I'll leave you," I stated flatly, clenching my fists. "I know you need me to defeat the Ghosts. So, you're going to tell everything you've kept or I'm leaving right now!"

Allene sighed and looked to the ocean. "Ask me what you want to know."

"What was Merrick talking about when he said you lied to me?" I demanded.

"How did I know you were going to ask that?" Allene muttered. "Sit."

After I sat down in front of her again, Allene sighed. Her eyes seemed to almost cloud over, as if she was remembering a memory.

"I've known Merrick for a very long time," Allene started and I narrowed my eyes. "In fact, I've known the Ghosts for a long time. I once dated one of them and once I became, well, accidentally pregnant for a second time, I was hated. So, I left them and not without pissing them off."

"You have two children?" I tilted my head and Allene held up a finger for me to be silent.

"I hid myself in a small house deep in the woods. With two maids, I survived being pregnant with that little child growing inside me. I knew it wasn't going to be long until they found me. They came on the night my child was born. Since I had been through a rough delivery, my maids cared for the baby while I rested and used my powers to get myself better."

Allene was closing her eyes, describing the moment so I could almost imagine it.

"I only got two minutes with that child," Allene spoke gently. "They were better than any two in my life. Her eyes matched mine and the little brown hair appearing on her head was going to be just like mine. She had her father's drive for power and to protect those she loved. I knew she had a spark of power just like me. I ignited and increased her powers by giving her all of mine.

"By that time, the Ghosts had broken in. I had almost no time to send her to a hospital, where a couple was looking for a child. I made sure she got to them and was adopted."

"Where is she now? Can't we use her to help destroy the Ghosts?" I asked.

Allene nodded and continued her story. "Once the Ghosts reached the top of the stairs, I prepared myself for a fight. Since I didn't have power, I was taken to a heavy-guarded prison with ease. Two of the men in the Ghost group, Elias and Rorke, were there to say their final words to me. Little did I know, Rorke had his own plans."

"I knew Rorke," I mumbled lowly and looked to the side. "He was my father."

"You killed him," Allene nodded and put a hand on mine. "I watched Elias' sons do it."

"You got out?" I asked.

"My power slowly came back to me over the years. I broke out with ease and felt your power," Allene gazed at me with narrowed eyes.

"So what's happening with your daughter? Is she still alive or did Rorke get to her?" I asked, my mind going a hundred miles a minute.

"She's very alive," Allene paused. "Hailey, I've kept not only this story from you, but my true name."

"True name?" I asked, tilting my head.

"My name is Ivana," Allene spoke seriously.

"Okay," I blinked. "What does that have to do with the story?"

"I lied to you because I didn't want you to run into Merrick and have him tell you about me. I wanted my name and relationship with you to be protected."

"What would they have to say about you?" I snapped, not seeming to get what "Ivana" was saying.

"My real name is Ivana, Hailey, you have to believe me," Ivana spoke sternly. "And I was afraid of them telling you my relationship with you."

When my gaze traveled down to Ivana's hand still on mine, I widened my eyes. Was she saying what I thought she was? My heart skipped multiple beats.

"You were that child, Hailey," Ivana made my blood turn cold. "Rorke was your father and Alec is your brother, but you've already gathered that information. I'm your mother, Hailey. Katie was never your mother, only the one who first laid eyes on you in that hospital and took you home."

I was speechless. Everything seemed to fall into place a little easier. It explained my powers and the same eyes and hair that I shared with Ivana. Alec had her eyes too. That also explained the mortal hate Ivana had for Logan and Hesh. They killed Rorke, they caused her uproar and her pain.

"That's why I want them dead," Ivana had been reading my mind.

"You want revenge," I stated.

"I want my family back," Ivana agreed.

"And what of Alec?"

"He doesn't know who I am," Ivana stated flatly. "Once he does, he will help us."

"Did he know who Rorke was?"

"That's why sided with him. He learned in that process that you are his sister and he didn't want to hurt you by killing the one you loved," Ivana explained.

"But he did anyways," I looked at the ground, thinking.

"And that's why he wants you come back to the Ghosts," Ivana concluded. "He wants you to be happy and forgive him."

"I won't," I growled.

"You will when he is on our side, helping to destroy the Ghosts and your pain," Ivana tilted my head up so she could see the small tears falling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry I've kept this from you."

"You didn't have a choice," I mumbled.

"Do you hate me for some of the things I've done?" Ivana asked.

"No," I shook my head and slightly smiled up into her eyes. "I love you for it, mom."

The hug we shared after was the best one I'd had in a long time. I'd never seen such gentleness come to Ivana's eyes when I called her by what I saw her as.

My mother.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now