Ch. 5 - Fangs (pt. 1)

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I walked down the hall in search of Scott McCall, my first part of the mission. My 'parents' - more like instructors - had us move here to get close with Scott so he could trust my family and I. My mother said that if I am friends with Scott, I am friends with all of his supernatural buddies.

I spot Scott at the end of the hall with another boy which I believe is Stiles Stilinski - his partner in crime. I walk up to them as they lean against their lockers, but right as I approach them they awkwardly stop their previous conversation. As if it was secret even though I heard it - it was about the Benefactor. That dude seriously gets on my nerves, but if he's here that means that I must be on the list - hopefully not....

"Hi, my name is y/n. I was just wondering where room 109 is...?" I tell them knowing exactly that was their next class. The both hesitantly look at each other, but finally give in. Stiles awkwardly scratched the back of his neck then looked up and replied, "Yeah... Sure. Scott has to go talk to his girlfriend so I could...?" I could tell he was nervous, but why?

I hear Scott smack the back of his head and mumble, "She's not my girlfriend!" Stiles smiled smugly to himself as he added, "....Yet." I tried not to laugh even though that was pretty clever, but also very immature. My kind of people...

I shook that thought out of my head as I tried to focus on the task at hand - getting in with the supernatural click as a human. This helps with the element of surprise so I can have no trouble killing them all and capturing Lydia. As I look up to see if we were there yet, I noticed we both stood at the doorway of 109.

I walk into the room with Stiles following behind and take a seat at the back. Stilinski surprisingly comes and sits in the desk next to me. "What brings you to Beacon Hills?" He asked softly just as the teacher entered followed with Scott and a girl who I expect as Kira Yukimura. I notice they both look back at Stiles strangely - my guess is that he usually sits up there with them.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand waving in front of my face. I looked over to be met with gorgeous hazel-brown eyes. Wait... Gorgeous? "Yes?" I asked stupidly. He chuckled at me for some odd reason. I couldn't quite understand what was so funny so I just sat there staring at him like a lost puppy.

"Did you not hear me ask you 'What brings you to Beacon Hills'?" He asked and finally it clicked so I made an 'o' shape with my mouth to signify I understand now.

"Sorry.... Just forgot." I say as I let out a small laugh before continuing, "My family and I are just here visiting my grandmother who's in the hospital. What are you doing in Beacon Hills?" I ask him using my humor at the end. He laughs at my joke and answers sarcastically, "I sell cupcakes at night and go to school by day... Pretty interesting right?"

I laugh quietly since the teacher has begun to instruct us then whisper, "Very." He smiles at me and I return the gesture. When I look back to the front I notice Scott wiggling his eyebrows at Stiles making him blush and awkwardly look down at his desk. I finally get it.... Scott isn't my way in! Stiles is...


After class ends, I walk out of the classroom to see Stiles, Scott, and Kira rushing out towards the double doors of Beacon Hills high. I casually follow them ignoring the ogling stares I got from freshmen. They are so not subtle pervs...

As I exit the doors a couple feet behind them I see the back of Kira's head tail along into the maze of buses. I hide in a bush as I listen in on their convo. I hear them suggest Kira to tricking Liam Dunbar - who is beta to Scott apparently, a fact my parents left out. She is going to seductively get Liam to go to a party with her at Lydia's lake house where they are going to tie him up along with Malia Tate. Yeah.... Good luck there.

I wait for the doors to close as I follow them in after. I notice everyone's eyes towards the stairs so I follow their gaze as I approach closer and see Kira walking down smirking. Oh god... Liam seems to be interested which is good on their part. Near the last step she trips and falls face planting in the ground. When I think that their whole plan is ruined, Liam comes up to help her and see if she's okay. What a gentlemen - it's a shame I have to kill him....

I hear him agree to go to a party with her which sets my plan in action - spreading the word even if it's not an actual party. I know for a fact that Lydia is known for throwing the best parties so that gives me an advantage.

I tell the whole junior class and notice Liam's friend spread the word to the entire freshmen class. This is good... Very good! That means word should spread to sophomores and hopefully seniors as well.

Let's get this party going!

I will put up the second part hopefully some time today! Thanks for reading! ;-) Hope you enjoyed....

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