Ch. 17 - Jealous over... Young Derek?

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   It's been three hours since we found a fifteen year old Derek and after nearly killing a cop and Deaton, we finally gained his trust

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   It's been three hours since we found a fifteen year old Derek and after nearly killing a cop and Deaton, we finally gained his trust. Well mainly because of me since I remind him of someone he used to know. We are sitting on Scott's couch waiting for Stiles to show up when he blurts out, "You remind me so much of her." I awkwardly smile as this is the tenth time he's said this tonight. He lowers his head and shakes it as he tells me, "Sorry. I know I keep saying this, but it's just impossible with how much you look like her. Act like her even."

   "If you don't mind me asking. Who are you talking about?" I ask curiously and gentle since I didn't want to send him off if it's a touchy subject. This younger version of Derek has major problems on controlling his inner wolf.

   He smiles sadly as he shakes his head no and says, "I don't mind." He pauses to stare at me then finally admits, "She was my girlfriend, well ex now since she passed away recently. Her name was Paige."

   "I'm sorry for your loss." I mumble feeling awkward. I don't know how I could even comfort him. I suck at anything to do with admitting feelings. He stared at the ground smiling as he goes on, "I remember the first time I met her. She was practicing playing her cello while I was playing basketball out in the hallways with some buddies. She came rushing out of the music room clearly annoyed. She asked if we could stop bouncing the ball outside so she could practice. Me being an ass, messed with her a little. I told her we would stop if she could catch the ball. You can guess how that went. She just walked away in defeat as I danced circles around her. I felt bad for embarrassing her so after my friends left I checked up on her. I heard some of her playing and it was so beautiful. I asked her what her name was and of course being the stubborn girl she was denied unless I could play an instrument. So I played the triangle and she was highly agitated with me. She finally told me her name though... Paige. I was about to tell her my name when she interrupted me and said that she already knew. We were from two different worlds. The orchestra nerd. The basketball player. And the... You know." He flashes his eyes blue to show me what he was talking about. I nodded my head in understandment as he went on.

   "Of course that didn't stop me from wanting to get to know her. I fell in love with her and she fell in love with me. We would sneak around at every chance we got to be together. My friend's wouldn't understand why I was with her. Our favorite meeting place was an abandoned building outside of Beacon Hills. Yes, I know. Creepy, but I'm a werewolf. I thought I could protect her, but obviously I couldn't. She asked me one night why I liked her, because she was afraid of when I would stop liking her. I told her that I never could and never will. After that conversation I caught a whiff of blood and then heard movement from outside. I quickly rushed us out of there before she got hurt. Later on I realized that it was neighboring packs including mine discussing the Argent's killing one of the packs' betas. I saw this as an opportunity to spend more time with Paige while everyone was busy with possible war.

   Sometimes while I was in class, I'd just listen to her play with my werewolf senses instead of doing my work." He laughed, but then his face got serious, "But then I started worrying about what she would think of me when she found out what I was. I was beyond scared she would be terrified of me and think of me as a monster. My uncle, Peter, kept telling me that this wouldn't happen unless I bit her. Unless I turned her into a werewolf. The more I heard him say it, the more logical I believed it to be. I asked Paige to meet me in the locker rooms after school when it gets dark. She of course agreed, but she didn't know what would happen to her. Denis, one of the alpha's of the neighboring packs, was given orders by Peter and I to give her the bite. Denis needed a new member for his pack since he lost his beta and Paige was young and strong, so we thought we could kill two birds with one stone. I heard her cry out in fear of dying. I heard her whimpers and all I could was listen, because I thought that by giving her the bite we could be together longer and without secrets. I couldn't take it anymore, so I rushed out and came at Denis. He threw me against the wall and pinned my head to the ground. I noticed blood on her stomach and realized that I was too late to change what had already been done. She had been bit and it was on me. She hadn't changed yet and I was becoming anxious. I rushed her to the cellar under the nemeton and held her as I watched her suffer. I wrapped her hand in mine to take away as much of her pain as I could handle without killing myself. I had a small glimmer of hope that her body would finally accept the bite, but it wasn't happening. She went on suffering until finally she asked me to kill her. She said she couldn't take it any more. So I wrapped her into a hug and whispered sorry as I squeezed her tight using my werewolf strength. Her neck snapped instantly. You know what she told me right before she asked me to kill her?" He looked up at me allowing me to see a single tear drop from his eye as he answered after I said nothing, "She told me she knew. She picked up on the things I said like catching scents or being able to hear things that I shouldn't be able too. She knew but she didn't care. She told me she loved me anyways." He finished with his voice cracking at the end.

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