Ch. 9 - To the Dentist! (pt. 1)

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Before we start I would like us all to to stop and think on how hot Dylan O'Brien looks in this pic..... I really need a life, but enough about me. Let's read this imagine! 😂

I was nervously sitting in the back of the Allison's car with Stiles awaiting my horrifying trip to the dentist... They might kill me! Okay I am probably being a little over dramatic, but come on they are going to be touching my gums and teeth! I have a right to be whatever I want in a situation like this. They even said they are going to be giving me goofy gas....

My best guy friend, Stiles was forced to tag along with Allison, Lydia, and I inside a small car. Thus resulting in blaring Taylor Swift and One Direction the whole way there. Allison insisted on driving us no matter how much Stiles begged her for all of us to ride in his jeep. She was quite stubborn like that.

"Are we almost there yet?" Stiles whined like a child as he tapped his foot repeatedly. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Guys like I really need to pee so please hurry!" Stiles added which explained the tapping of his foot non-stop since the last stop light.

"Oh chill... We are almost there." Lydia tells him obviously annoyed with his impatient behavior. Right when I am sure he is about to pee himself we pull into the parking lot. Stiles quickly rushes out of the car and runs toward the entrance. We all laugh as we exit the car and follow the direction he went.


As I stumble out of the room they had put me, I take a seat in the waiting room laughing at Stiles' joke. Lydia rolled her eyes as she told me to get up since we are leaving not staying. I pout as I slowly stand up and say, "You're no fun!" Allison laughs and playfully agrees with me, "That is a very true statement, y/n." I nod my head smirking in victory.

"Stiles what do you think?" I ask whipping my head in his direction, no doubt causing whiplash. "Of course she is fun...." He says sarcastically. I pout once again for siding with her, too out of it to notice his sarcasm. He leans in and whispers, "Don't tell her this, but she is definitely a party pooper...." I snort so loudly I begin to choke while recieving weird looks from others in the room.

"You said poop you scandalous hottie!" I exclaim putting a hand over my mouth in mock astonishment for him saying a 'potty' word. I was also too out of it to realize that I called him a hottie. Whoops.... His eyes widen while Allison and Lydia stare at me in horror.

"I think it's time to get in the car." Lydia tells us followed with a clap as she pushes a pouting me and an astonished Allison and Stiles out the door. I let out a huff as I let her push me. Once we are all outside Stiles finally snaps back to reality and stops abruptly.

"If Stiles doesn't have to go then I am staying here!" I tell Lydia as I stand next to him. She rolls her eyes as she informs us a matter-of-factly, "You both are going to get your asses in the car or so help me God..."

I watch them as they file into Allison's car and right as I was about to join them I felt a hand on my arm. I look up to see Stiles intensely staring at me. I looked back at him scared then mutter out frantically, "Please don't eat me!!! I am too young to die! I still haven't confessed my love yet so please spare my life!" I get down on my knees praising him while he laughs, but quickly realizes something. "What unconfessed love?" He asks me anxiously staring at me with a less intense stare.

"To Stiles of course! But don't tell him! It's a secret... Shhhhhh." I tell him excitedly as I bring my finger to his lips at the end. He gives me a bright smile as he looks around to see if anyone's watching. Then leans in and whispers, "As long as you don't tell Stiles that I told you he loves you back...."

My whole face lights up as I run and hug him. We are interrupted with a car horn from Allison as she smiles like an idiot. I look over to Lydia to see she is smirking. Stiles ignore there looks as he grabs my hand and helps me to the back seat. Being me while in my state of mind, I trip over the curb and nearly face plant. Smooth... Real smooth. Stiles being Stiles attempts to catch me but fails miserably and we both go tumbling down laughing hysterically.

Allison leans out the window and yells, "Alright lovebirds! Let's get in the car please..." Lydia smacks her arm as if trying to tell her something. She just rolls her eyes in return. I look at them confused while saying, "But we aren't birds.... I don't get it!" They all laugh at my puzzled state and Stiles attempts to help me in the car once again.

After I am buckled up we pull out and before I know it I am knocked out cold no doubt drooling everywhere...

I am sooooo sorry I haven't posted in a while! I have been caught up in Semester Exams! UGGGHHH... I HATE tests!!! But anyways I hope u enjoyed this imagine and I am planning on making a part two obviously.... It did say part one at the top lol


Another side note: I thought I would add Allison to this imagine bc I REALLY miss her.... I don't care about those Ali haters out there bc I love her and Crystal Reed! (And obviously Stiles.... Buuuuttt let's not talk about my obsession.... 😂) I really like her and Scott together! The feels in Season 3b episode 11!!!!

Okay enough with my FANGIRL side of me! You know it's sad when you go to type FANGIRL and it auto corrects it to all caps.... Lmao😂😂😂😂 I could talk about Teen Wolf and how I have no life bc I am a 24/7 FANGIRL forever but I must end sooo....

Thanks for reading!!! Please vote and have a nice night or day depending on where u r at in this crazy world lol ;-) BYYEEE

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