Ch. 12 - That was definetly NOT a party

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   I parked my car in front of my best friend's lake house. I was going to arrive a little bit earlier, but it's not my fault I accidentally took a wrong turn because I have absolutely no sense of direction.... Ok it might be just a smidgen since I was too preoccupied by this sexy Greek God in a red jeep next to me. Let me tell you, he was fine. I silently cursed myself as I realized I never got a picture... Oh well, there's always next time.

   I didn't even bother knocking; I barged right in ready to give Lydia a piece of my mind for not telling me she was throwing a party. I even asked her yesterday morning what she was doing for the weekend assuming maybe she forgot, but no. Her exact words were 'Just relaxing at my house... Why do you ask?'. That's not even the first part to her weirdness. On top of that she invited the entire freshmen class... When I heard about that I was like these fresh meat will say anything to become popular, but then I heard more people talking about it. Soon it was spread all over school about a party at a lake house hosted by the one and only Lydia Martin. And to think I was gonna give her my brownie on Monday...

   I rushed down the short hallway quickly but froze when I discovered the scene in front of me. I felt like I had just walked into a ritual ceremony or some kind of cult. Lydia, Stiles, Malia and Scott were all surrounding a small coffee table that had duffel bags filled with chains, hand cuffs, and just anything in general that could tie someone down... Against their will. I slowly tried to back out of the room hoping they wouldn't notice when I heard Lydia ask nervously, "Oh... Y/N- uh- What are you doing here...?" I mentally slapped myself at my stupid brain thinking I could just walk out under the radar. I mean... I am extremely ungraceful.

   "Oh you know... Uhhh- coming here for the party...?" I answered slowly as I skeptically watch Stiles throw himself on top of the duffel bags and Scott raise an eyebrow at me as if testing me whether or not I am going to say something. Yeah... As if. I would rather not know what will be going on at this party especially if any chains are going to be involved. If you mix two hormonal teenage boys, a very sexually active girl, and throw in a girl staring at everyone like she is debating on whether or not to eat them, I say that is a sexual disaster in need of some lessons on Sex Ed ... Just saying.

   "Umm... Party?" Lydia asked baffled. I scoffed in reply. Was she still trying to hide that fact? Before anyone could say anything else, headlights shone through the windows followed by two slams of a vehicle outside. I turned to Lydia with a raised eyebrow. No party my ass...

   "She can't be here for ya know... That thing we are gonna do... Remember?" I hear Stiles say with a tone of urgency. I rolled my eyes and replied quite annoyed, "Yeah... A party." He ignored my comment as he waited for the others to respond to his comment.

   I tapped my foot impatiently as Lydia went to go open the door for her in-coming party guests. As they walked in, I noticed it was Kira with a boy who had an extreme baby face so he was no doubt a freshmen. The boy looked extremely weirded out and confused as Kira looked pretty awkward. Her face contorted into an alarmed one once she spotted me.

   "What's she doing her?" Kira asked skeptically looking immediately at Scott then Lydia. I rolled my eyes. Wow... I entangled my arms across my chest and turned around to look at the host of the party.

   "This is absolutely unbelievable!" I say raising my voice then continued, "You really did not want me to come to this party.... Did you?" No matter how hard I tried to sound strong I could hear my voice cracked slightly as I said the last part. My eyes scanned over everyone as tears threatened to spill and my legs urged to run out, but I couldn't. Not without a valid answer.

   "What the hell is this?" Liam asked confused and slightly agitated. They all look to me as if saying 'not in front of her'. Stiles doesn't seem to get the memo since he responds, "Think of this as an intervention." I roll my eyes. It's a freakin party! What the hell is going on...?

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