Ch. 13 - Coach's Daughter

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I entered through the building of Beacon Hills High School. I would be jumping with joy to have finally gotten out of an all girls school if I wasn't going to a school my dad coaches at. He only sent me there, because he is an overprotective dipshit. But if he asks, I never said that... Instead he sends me to the school where he works at. WORKS AT! What the hell?!

I mean I love him to death, but why must he do this to me! I am a grown ass woman who can take care of her-

I stopped abruptly when my forehead met a cold hard surface. Not again! I was too busy ranting that I didn't even see the opened locker door. Seriously?! Could this get any worst? And right at that moment I cursed myself for asking that question. My dad walked up pissed and grabbed this dude by the collar and yelled, "Greenburg! What the hell did you just do to my daughter?" Right before this poor dude could answer he continued, "You know what don't answer that! Your voice sounds like my ex wife's, high-pitched and annoying!" Wow he must really hate this guy...

I slowly tiptoe away from the scene and head to my first period before he tries to talk to me. I mentally bang my head against a wall as I realize my first class is economics, my dad's class...

I cautiously make my way inside hoping to not have to interact with him at all this period. Knowing myself and my dad that is definitely NOT going to happen. I take a seat behind this undeniably, hot guy with scattered moles here and there who looks to be about my age. You know what those panthers say, age is just a number.

He smiles at me as I set my bag down next to my seat. I return the gesture, but it soon disappears as my dad enters with a scowl on his face. What's new? He walks to the front of the class and grins wickedly at me. I swear if he does anything I am gonna shove that smirk soaked in vinegar down his-

"Shut up and let me talk!" My dad shouts at us even though we were silent as he came in. Typical. He continues on with his dramatic speech, "I am pleased to welcome my daughter, y/n Finstock to the class." He points toward me smiling his buttocks off. That little ass wipe...

His expression quickly changes to one that screams, "I am going to kill you!" I roll my eyes as he yells at the Greek God in front of me, "Stilinski! Move out of the way so everyone can see her!"

He swivels his head back to the front prying his eyes away from me. He asks in a confused tone, "What?" Dad rubs his face as he groans before responding, "Are you deaf, because even my grandmother who is on the other side of this country could hear what I just said! MOVE!" I watch as everyone in the classroom shifts uncomfortably in their seats except me. This is totally normal.

"Ummm... Not without the magic word coach." I hear Stilinski say next to me. Does this kid have a death wish? I can see my dad fuming with anger as he yells at the top of his lungs, "STILINSKI MOVE YOUR ASS OR I SWEAR!"

He quickly grabs his things up as he mumbles, "Yes sir, my bad! I didn't know what I was doing." Right as he gathers all his things he immediately trips over his feet landing flat on his face. I stifle my laughter as does the rest of the class except my father. He full on laughs as he clutches his stomach in pain. Once he settles down he asks him with an amused expression, "How does the floor taste?" At this the entire class bursts into laughter. I roll my eyes as I go to help pick up his things along with this other dude with an uneven jawline. Stilinski gets up and announces to the class, "I am okay." I laugh as me and uneven jawline hand him his stuff. He smiles graciously in return.

"Everyone BACK to your seats!" I hear my dad yell putting emphasis on 'back'. We all quickly comply and just as I think I am off the radar for the rest of class my dad adds, "Now this is 2015, so I don't want any hate towards my daughter with her being a lesbian. Yah that's right hormonal, teenage boys you're not her type!"

He's dead.

"Ummmm.... I OBJECT!" I yell at him as push my chair back to stand up. He crosses his arms while I slam my hands viciously at the top creating a loud noise that ricochets across the classroom.

"Wait you're gay?" I hear Stilinski ask once he turns his body around to face me. I mentally face palm myself. He mumbles, "Why must the cute ones be gay..."

"I am not gay!?" I yell at everyone. My dad just nods his head as he tells the class, "She's embarrassed." He then looks at me and says slowly as if talking to a toddler, "It's ok if you are gay." I roll my eyes as I sit back down knowing it's no use arguing with him. He always wins.


I rush out of class thankful to rip free from my dad and head to my next class.... English. One of my favorite subjects next to science. I am about to enter the classroom when I feel a hand grab my arm urging me to stop. I whip my head around to meet the most beautiful Hazel brown eyes. I can't pull my eyes away as if I am in some kind of trance. I don't think he can either considering he is just staring at me, eyes wide open. No complaint there, it helps me see his eyes better.

He clears his throat and looks away. My cheeks blush a crimson red as does his. A tension is filled between us that I feel won't ever break until he speaks. "So I was wondering if yo-" The warning bell goes off interrupting him mid-sentence. Panic fills me as his words ring through my head. Was he going to ask me on a date? I have never been on one before. I mean I have practically been going to an all girls school and trust me I am not a lesbian.

He has an irritated expression on his face as he bites the inside of his lip adorably. He starts again, "So as I was saying... I was wondering if you are actually a lesbian." I give him a confused expression once he finishes and I think he took it the wrong way. "No! No! I mean like there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, you know? I just thought that.... Uhhh... And I am done embarrassing myself." He finishes his ramble then starts to head in the opposite direction, but before he can I grab his arm. He immediately turns around nearly tripping over his feet. I hold back my laugh as I say, "I am not a lesbian... My dad just said that to scare off the boys."

"Oh well it didn't really work since I'm still here." He tells me and immediately blushes as if realizing what he just said. I smile as I look down at the ground to avoid his gaze. The final bell goes off and I try to rush into my class but am stopped by Stilinski's voice.

"I'm Stiles by the way!" He tells me frantically.

"Y/n." I reply as I enter my English class and take a seat.

Maybe my dad didn't say that to scare the boys off. Maybe he said it to see who stays... I would honestly like to believe that, but knowing my dad, he probably wants to scare every breathing thing with a penis to stay a good 5 yards away from me.

YAY!!!! I actually followed through with my goal to post this week! Hopefully I continue to do it next week and the week after that and the week after that and I think you get it.

I thought this would be funny since Stiles and Finstock basically make the humor in the show ;-) I hope you enjoyed it! Please continue to read and vote for my imagines! Thanks so much for the support!


Welp I don't want to end this imagine on a depressing note so how about I just say that Season Six has been confirmed and Dylan O'Brien also confirmed Stiles will be on it soooo YAUUUSSSSS!!! 😆

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