The Alpha Has Captured My Heart Ch. 13

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Anna’s P.O.V.

‘Denial.’ I hear my wolf say.

‘Hush.’ I say to her.

She doesn’t say anything more so I turn my attention back to Drake.

“If your wolf is depressed, then you need to be near Matt.” He says.

I shrug my shoulders.

Drake leaves then taking the plate out of the room.

“You should see Matt.” He says.

He closes the door then and he locks it. I sit on the bed.

‘Please go to our mate.’ My wolf says.

‘I don’t want to though.’ I stubbornly say.

‘You’re hopeless.’ She says.

Soon it was dinner time but of course I refused to eat. Drake came in to grab my plate.

“Anna please tell me you ate.” He says.

“No I didn’t.” I say.

“Anna please eat.” He begs.

“It’s probably cold anyway.” I say.

“If I heat it up, will you eat it?” He asks.

I shake my head.

Drake sighs. “If you don’t eat tomorrow, I’m forcing you.” He says.

I roll my eyes. “I can’t promise I’ll eat but I’ll try.” I say.

Drake walks to the door and just as he’s about to close it, he opens it again. “Matt wanted me to tell you, he’ll be up soon.” He says.

I nod my head.

“So you two should talk and make up because I hate seeing you two like this.” He says.

‘Please talk to our mate.’ My wolf begs.

‘I’ll try but I hope you don’t expect much of a conversation.’ I say to her.

“I’ll talk to him, alright?” I say to Drake.

He nods his head and then he walks out the door and I hear the doorknob being locked.

Ten minutes later, I hear the door being unlocked and I see Matt walk in. He shuts the door.

‘Talk to him please.’ My wolf begs.

“Matt?” I call out.

He turns to look at me.

“Can I hug you?” I ask.

“It would make my wolf feel better.” I then added.

He nods his head. “Yeah you can hug me.” He says.

I get off the bed and walk up to him. I hesitated at hugging him…I thought that if I hugged him, that he would hurt me.

‘Remember what Drake said, Matt would never hurt us.’ My wolf told me.

I looked at Matt and I saw that he was confused as to why I was hesitant about hugging him.

I shoved my negative thoughts away and then I reached up with my left hand and placed it at his hip and when I realized that Matt wasn’t going to hurt me, I stepped forward towards him. I wrapped both arms around him and then he wrapped his arms around me.

I placed my head on his chest. Two minutes later, we let go of each other.

“Ready for bed?” Matt asks.

I nod my head and then I went to the dresser and pulled out my pajamas. I went into the bathroom and changed. I stepped out into the bedroom and got in the bed.

Matt got in bed too and I rolled over onto him and laid on his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me.

“Matt?” I question.

“Yes?” He asks.

“If I kiss you tomorrow…” I began to say.

(First person to comment gets a dedication in the next chapter)

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