Chapter 9: A New Shade of Red & Deep Inside of Me

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Mae's POV:

I LED DILLAN AND THE girl, whose name I still didn't know, deeper into the woods. A part of me wondered if I should be doing this. I mean these two could be crazy stalkers of Charlotte's and I could be leading them straight to her, or worse Dex. However, that part of me wasn't very loud. I wanted to know the truth about her and my brother. 

Finally we arrived where I found Dex. I looked away quickly. I didn't realize that this place would bring back such harsh and hostile memories. I remembered the nightmares I got when Dex was in the hospital, they were the worst thing that had ever happened to me. They finally stopped when we got word that Dex was going to live, but the thought of them still haunted me. 

I shook my head, as if trying to shake off the memory itself. I saw Dillan look around then his eyes widened with shock. He went around studying the rocks and other items around. This left me with the girl. She sighed and sat on a nearby rock. She had this tough feeling about her, and it seemed she was daring me to speak. I took that dare.

"So... What's your name?" I asked, trying to get answers. Also to stop the awkward silence between us. 

"I don't really have a name. Not after what happened." She said. 

"What happened?" I asked, suddenly interested.

"War, death, and broken hearts." She said, sadly. 

"Did you lose someone close?" I asked, not sure how to comfort her. 

"Yes, two people actually, my sister. She went insane with power and started a war. When she realized what she had done, all the lives she had cost, well she hung herself." She said, not wanting to go into the details. 

"So that's one of them. Who was the other?" I asked. 

She was silent for a moment of debate, then she finally decided to tell me what happened. "I was in love with a man once. He was kind, and I loved him with all my heart. Then, we went our separate ways. He loved someone else. I decided not to get in the way of true love. Our time was short and bitter-sweet. It was the end that hurt the most though. Saying goodbye, and knowing our lips would never meet again." 

She was almost in tears. I could tell that this girl, hadn't shared this moment with many people before. Much less a random girl she had met in the woods. 

"I'm sorry." I said, not exactly sure of what to say. 

"It's okay. I needed someone to talk to. I couldn't really talk to Dillan about it. He doesn't understand, not really. So, about my name..."

"How about I make one up for you!" I said, hoping to get this poor girl's mind off of her loss.

"Okay, but I have to approve." 

"How about, Grace?"

"Nope, to elegant. I'm more of the three legged baby deer, type if you know what I mean."

"Kyra? Kya? Sam? Jenna? Beth?"


"Emilie? Sarah? Julia? Emma?"

"No, thanks." 

"Ruby? Violet? Scarlet? Melody? Red?"

"I like that." 

"Which one?" I asked, happy that I had found a name that suited her. 


"All right Red! Nice to meet you. I'm Mae."  I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake.

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