Chapter 14: Out of Control & Crime Scenes

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Dex's POV

MY PAWS BARELY TOUCHED THE ground as I ran. The wind rippled through my fur. Two months had past since Mae and I had escaped from June. Now it was the full moon. I started to pant but I didn't care. I had never felt so alive. The trees passed by in a green blur and the smell of pine filled my nose. I heard a twig snap, and I knew she was close. Gaining on me.

I pushed myself to the max, my legs stretching out along the ground. I saw a blur of silver reach my side, and I could tell she was going to do far more than that. I then saw my target in sight. A large stump that looked like it had sprouted from the ground.

With the last bit of my energy I pushed myself towards it, not slowing down. Finally I reached it, but it was too late. Charlotte was already a head's length ahead of me and she had won. I stopped and laid down, exhausted. My tongue fell out of my mouth and I realized I was panting like a dog. 

"Looks like Charlotte wins again!" Charlotte said, happily. She was prancing on the stump, like some show-pony. I rolled my eyes as she continued her taunts.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What if I say I let you win." I said, even though, both me and Charlotte knew it wasn't true. She had always been faster than me. 

"That," She said, gesturing towards my face, where my tongue was still slightly out, "Is not the face of a person who 'let me win.' It is the face of bitter defeat." 

I got back up and stretched. "What time is it?" I asked sleepily. Normally I was cool with staying up all night in cat form, but I was tired from our race. 

"Not even three." Charlotte said, glancing up at the moon. "Since when did you become such a grandma, Dex?"

"Fine. If you refuse to nap, then can we at least find a stream or something?" I pleaded, desperately. I was thirsty, and I needed something to drink.

"Fine... Grandma!" She said, then she nudged me playfully and led the way to a stream. I smiled to myself as I followed her.

When we finally got there, I lapped up the water thirstily. We then rested a little bit as I caught my breath. Little did I know something was about to happen that would change my life, forever.

.  .  .

A twig snapped in the distance, and both me and Charlotte looked that way, our ears pricked. I got up slowly and ventured into the brush. Soon Charlotte and I found ourselves in a clearing that reeked of humans. My heart rate sped up as I looked around. Something was going to happen.

Then I saw it. There was a gruff looking, middle aged man. He had a black beard and was dressed in camo. He was looking straight at us. More importantly he had a gun aimed at us. A low hiss escaped my lips as I spotted him. 

A shot rang out. It hit my fur but went flying off. The man looked startled. He wasn't more startled than me though. Charlotte seemed different now, her eyes were in slits. She hissed at the man, getting closer and closer. Another shot was heard, but it went flying off of Charlotte's fur uselessly. 

What happened next was unbelievable. Charlotte jumped on the man, attacking him. Then I heard it. It was deep in the back of my mind but it was there.

Go, It whispered to me.

What? I asked, back to it, slightly worried why I was hearing voices.

GO! It said, much stronger now. 

Suddenly I lost control of my body. I knew my eyes were in slits. It was just like the time the Moon Shade was injected into my body, when I was with the Society of the Cat. I was no longer in control. I could see what I was doing but I couldn't control my actions. The one thing I did notice was that I had much more power.

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