Chapter 17: Red Eyes & Werecat Prides

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Mae's POV

I WAS WALKING HOME, THAT night, from my date when I saw Dex. He was just coming out of a shop, and he had a large book in his arms. I sprinted up to him and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Mae. What's up?" He asked.

"Just walking home. What do you have there?" I asked, gesturing to the book.

"Nothing important. I do want to ask you something though. Do you know where our Uncle lives? Dad mentioned him and... well... I just wanted to meet him." Dex said, slowly, almost like he didn't want to ask me. Which was a good instinct. 

My eyes narrowed as Dex said those words. I knew exactly what happened to our Uncle. He was my Dad's brother. He was also a werecat. He was sent to kill my mom but my dad stopped him. My mom and dad grew closer together and soon got married, and had Dex and I.

 My Uncle had run deep into the woods and my mom tracked him for many years. One night she finally found him. She was overwhelmed with cats and had to flee. My Uncle had created what he called a pride of werecats, as him as their alpha. The terrifying truth was that I had alpha blood in my veins. That could make me a werecat, luckily I'm still normal and so is Dex. 

"Yeah, I know where he is..." I started.

"But?" Dex asked, sensing my worries. 

"But he's a cat." I said. I saw Dex's eyes light up with interest, as I continued, "He's extremely dangerous, so it would be bad if you went searching for him." 

"Mae. I need to find him." Dex said, his eyes dead serious. 


"I can't explain it. I just need to."

"It's too dangerous." 

"Mae. Either you tell me now, or I'll find out on my own." Dex said. Our eyes locked and we started to stare each other down. Suddenly Dex's normally green eyes turned red and his pupils turned into slits. I felt weakness spread threw out my body. I knew that stare, I'd seen it somewhere before. 

Suddenly the words started spilling out of my mouth, "He lives northwest of here. Still in the Lincoln Forest but not by much."

"Thanks sis." He said, eyes still glowing red, and voice that I hardly recognized. He smiled a eerie smile, handed me his book, then walked off, although my thoughts didn't leave as easily. The question kept returning to my head, Where had I seen those eyes? Heard that voice? Then it hit me and my eyes opened wide in shock. The party! I then sprinted down the street, there was someone I needed to see.

*  *  *

Dex's POV

I don't know what you're complaining about, Nick was saying, I got us the information we needed to find your uncle.

Yes, but Mae now could know our secret.

She doesn't. She is just a puny, weak human. There's no way she could have figured it out.

Need I remind you that she was a member of the Order?

Don't worry Dex, I got this under control.

I sighed, knowing that Nick could not be swayed. He had reappeared in my head a few days ago. I guess it was because he was getting stronger. Or I was becoming more werecat like. I didn't know which one scared me more.

I started into the woods heading northwest. As much as I hated it I knew Nick was right, he got us the information we needed to find my Uncle. I now knew he was a werecat, like me, so hopefully he'll recognize me. Or well not kill me.

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