Chapter 10: No Clues & Lost Ones

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Dex's POV

"JUST TELL HER THE TRUTH then." Charlotte was saying, "It solves a lot of my problems."

"Okay sure. I'll just say, 'Hey Mae, how are you? Oh I just remembered to tell you that I'm a werecat and the people you're hanging out with are too. Also they want to like kill me.'" I said, sarcastically. Another day had past and Charlotte and I were going on a walk through the woods.

"Well maybe not that part. Just that, you and me have a lot in common, and that you think that her 'friends',  are responsible for your attack." She said, using finger quotes around friends.

"But that would be a lie. If she figures it out then she'll be even madder at me. I think I've already dug a pretty deep hole as it is." I said.

"You know what. I think you did too. I was the one, however, who gave you the shovel. So I'm going to get you out of this hole, one way or another." Charlotte vowed.

"Charlotte, you really don't need too." I said. Even though I was grateful for her help, it was my mess and I was going to be the one to clean it up. "I just need a little time to think, that's all."

  "Okay. I'll see you tonight then? Same as last?" Charlotte said, hopefully.

"Sure thing. I'll try to have this all cleaned up by then." I said. Charlotte nodded and changed directions, to go to her house, wherever that might be.

I walked alone in the woods, desperately wanting Mae to stop being mad at me. She had stopped talking to me this morning. I suppose she expected me to choose either Charlotte or her. I couldn't do that though.

I finally decided to shift into my cat form and continue on four paws. I hadn't mastered walking on two feet, like Charlotte had. I felt like I was learning to walk all over again. So I stayed on four paws, walking through the quiet forest. Wait, why was it quiet?

I looked around, my heart beating quickly. I didn't see a thing. There was nothing nothing at all. I felt so dizzy. I needed to sit.  I tried to hear something, anything, and I did. Only it was something I didn't want to hear. A low, deep hiss.

I soon saw it. There were two cats, one with red fur another with black. I could tell from the way they moved they were werecats. I wanted to run but I couldn't for some reason. I was so exhausted. I saw the cats approach, they seemed to be smiling, almost. I wanted to do something but I couldn't.

The cats encircled me, I got the strength, somehow, to stand up. It was less than a second before the orange cat pounced on me. It's claws sank into my fur and I wanted to scream. Alert someone I was here.

"This isn't the right one." I heard the orange cat say. It was the last thing I heard before I slipped into a icy darkness.

*  *  *

Mae's POV

I was sitting on the couch, that night, when my Dad walked in. He looked exhausted. He took off his boots and sat on the couch next to me. He smiled and patted my back.

"How was school today?" He asked me.

"Fine, boring as ever." I replied.

"Was that a good thing?" He asked me.

"I suppose." I said smiling.

"Do you know where Dex is?" He asked me, "I thought he'd be out here with you."

"I think he's in his room." I said.

My Dad got up and knocked on Dex's ever closed door. There was no answer. He opened the door to his room and went inside. My Dad came back out fairly quickly, a panicked look in his eyes. I recognized that look. I had it on my own face when Dex went missing the first time.

"He's not in there." My Dad said to me. We looked in all the rooms, he wasn't in any of them. My Dad then pulled out his phone and called the police. He went in his room to talk to them. I had a different idea though. I quickly wrote my Dad a note then rushed out the door. I was going to find Dex.

.  .  .

I had spent four hours looking for Dex and there was no sign of him. Not one! I had looked for him for forever. It was almost midnight now. I then heard a noise. I saw a figure moving silently through the night. It was Charlotte. She seemed happy. Without thinking twice I went up to her. She seemed shocked to see me.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked her.

"None of your business sweety." She said, coldly.

"I know you don't like me, and I don't like you, but do you know where Dex is? He's gone missing." I asked her.

Charlotte's face lit up with panic. She didn't know where he was. Then she bolted back the way she came. That was odd, I thought. I couldn't stay and ponder it though. I needed to find Dex. So I continued onward.

.  .  .

A few more hours had past and I had given up hope. Dex was lost somewhere in these deep dark woods, alone and afraid. I sat down on a rock, tears forming in my eyes. I started to cry. I let the tears fall out and didn't try to stop them. I was hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion as I realized it was past 3 AM. I was on the edge of sleep when something felt wrong.

I sat up and looked around. I felt like someone was watching me. I hated that feeling. I peered harder into the brush trying to make out what was hiding there. Suddenly, I saw it. Two pairs of eyes. I panicked. I tried to run but fear kept me in place.

I knew now that I was going to die. Torn to shreds by a mountain lion or a bear or whatever was hiding in those bushes. I felt tired, and figured it was for the best. I then let myself faint, falling into a icy slumber, waiting for death to take me. Only, it didn't.

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