||17|| Food Fight Mess

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Ragini let out a loud gasp as the glass she aimed at Laksh went flying out of the window, smashing the kitchen glass window in the process and landing at the grass out of the window.

What did she do? Swara lightly giggled from the middle of the stairs, where as all the 3 of them looked flatly at each other.

"Lo did tis?" a loud screech in thick spanish accent, broke their staring competition.

"Who's lo?" Swara enquired from behind as Ragini was suppressing her laugh seeing Laksh and Sanskaar slap their foreheads.

"Nobody is lo. That is our housekeeper who keeps updating our parents," Laksh whispered to them, hushing Swara down.

"He is damn strict and will torture us with his terrible English letcures if we don't leave from the living room in the next 2 minutes," Sanskaar tensely said, climbing up the stairs.

"I call the terrace," Swara yelled, making her way up the stairs.

"Bhai, go with her. Ragini and I will hide in the kitchen," Laksh intrusted everyone.

"I am going ALONE, I don't need him to babysit me," Swara shouted, sticking her tongue out at Sanskaar.

"Im going to my room for a shower," Sanskaar half yelled as he made his way upstairs too.

"Why can't I go into my room too?" Ragini pouted as he pulled them both in the closet in the kitchen. It was pretty small with just enough room space for both of them.

"Because, he will see us. He doesn't know we came," Laksh whispered to her, while she continued to curse under her breath.

"Why is dere so much preblem here?" they heard the housekeeper shout near the living room, "Sanshaar, vere arre you?"

Ragini was holding her laugh while Laksh grabbed both her arms and pulled her closer with hardly any space between them. The touch of her hands sent electricity zaps into his body, exciting his muscles all over. He looked at the tender yet sharp pair of chocolate eyes staring back at him with amazement.

"Let me go," she mumbled hastily as she tried to pull her hands away from his grip.

"Not until you stop fidgeting," he warned in her ear, as he tightened his grip further.

"Fine," she muttered and stopped her shaking.

"Vy you hiding?" the housekeeper said in his broken english voice.

"Shit" Laksh said as Ragini started to laugh harder with his accent.

His footsteps seemed to approach towards the door, Laksh placed his hand on her mouth and calmed her down. After a good long minute the footsteps turned fainter and fainter, finally vanishing.

"Get your hands off me, jerk," Ragini whispered in a loud tone as she slapped his hands off her face.

"Hey, I was only trying to help, if you don't like it, well bad luck," Laksh mocked at her worried expression at their close proximity.

"Shut up," she curtly said.

"Why can't we just be friends?" Laksh initiated the first attempt for a better start

"Never, Ragini can never be friends with anyone like you," she rudely whispered.

"Oh really? Wonder who was that girl who was extremely desperate to make me her friend,"

"I only did that because I was feeling guilty about throwing allegations at you. After that accident thing, we are even,"

"Exactly! So, why can't we be friends and stop our tom and jerry fights? What say?"

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