||21|| The Choice

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"What the hell do you mean?" Sanskaar arrogantly questioned while Swara stood there cursing herself for her unexpected confession. 

"I mean, ummm...your parents gave birth to you right?" Swara tried to cover up her statement.

Sanskaar and Laksh stared at her with poker faces while Ragini raised her eyebrows and looked on amused.

"Right? Or are you adopted?" Swara asked with shock while they simply nodded in a negative.

"Okay, so your family is at fault to give birth to you in the first place," Swara started to explain.

"The night is making you go crazy," Sanskaar muttered coldly under his breath.

"Anyways, Ragini when did you come here?" Swara ignored Sanskaar and glanced back at Ragini.

"2 hours ago," Ragini said in deep thoughts.

"2 whole hours?" Sanskaar asked her with extreme exaggeration.

"It takes time to eat a large chocolate cake you know," Ragini said with a shrug.

"Why did you have to eat it then?" Sanskaar questioned her with annoyance.

"Shut up, stop bothering my sister," Swara defended her sister.

"If you stop bothering me," Sanskaar said with a pure smirk on his face and his challenging voice booming in her ears.

"Fine, I will not talk to you from here on," Swara declared profusely.

"Sounds good," he accepted with the same poker face back again

"Are you sure you never dieted before?" Laksh asked Ragini as she walked up to Swara.

"Yes, I never did," Ragini agreed to what seemed like the millionth time to her.

"Never ever?" Laksh asked her again


"Not even a single time,"




"Ragini, let's go," Swara said to her as she waved good night to Laksh and dragged Ragini back to her room.

"Coming," Ragini tried to stop her from literally dragging her to their room.

"Swara, I know you were lying about the family thing, you mean something else didn't you?" Ragini asked as she turned the light off and faced Swara in the darkness.

"I did, I totally did," Swara honestly blurted out bluntly.

"What is it?" Ragini questioned with a serious and overprotective voice.

"Not here, not now," Swara assured her as she sqeueezed her hand tightly and turned to her side.

"When will you tell me then?" Ragini hesitantly asked as she bit her lower lip.

"In the morning," Swara declared.




Swara slyly walked into the recording room of the mansion. The room was tightly compressed with dark brown  walls on either sides with a huge plasma screen on the front wall. She managed to find the book with the blueprint of the mansion in the library, and track down the CCTV camera room for more info about the brothers. Her stomach was flying with colors as she turned the TV on. She checked the camera in all rooms, from the past 2 days, he should have put some or the other files in the room with all their personal info.

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