||39|| Ghostly Awarness

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SORRRRYYYY!! I know I am super duper late, I completely forgot about this *sheepish grin* but I am back now!



Panting deeply, sweaty palms, and a horrified dream was enough to jerk me back to attention AGAIN. This was the 3rd time I was getting this dream of Sanskaar getting crashed under the piano. Every time I tried to fall asleep, I woke up with this stupid dream which was determined to not leave my side. I had this crazy connection with crashes, first the car crash which caused my kidnapping, then the one in Cuba, and then I faced one in London too. These crashes always led to misery after them, which is scaring me that the moment and sending cold shivers down my spine. I was already worried to death for Ragini and Laksh, and on top of that my legs are extremely soar with all the walking and running around and my sleep was also bothering me.

I stretched my legs out and looked the clock which read 2 AM, 2 AM PEOPLE, how convenient. I had 5 hours to waste!. Note my sarcasm.

I let my mind wander and find me something to think about as I looked around at the hotel room we booked for the night. Sanskaar was sleeping in the room next to mine while I was sleeping or should I say sitting awake in this one.

"Love is when you give all your heart, soul and mind to someone special. To whom you feel this connection of care, respect, trust, concern and everything from happiness to sorrow is related to this one person. You don't feel judged by whatever you do and can speak your heart out in front of them. Sometimes, you won't even realize that you are in love until a long time later, but believe me, in this case it is better to be late than never," Ragini's words echoed in my ear of Holi's day.

I sighed at her cheesy thoughts and her phrase completed in my head, "Close your eyes, let your thoughts free. Open the door to your hearts, think about this one person who you always was near your heart. Who is your special someone?"

Well, it is not like I am going to do anything anyways, and I have 5 hours to waste, why not give this a try? I closed my eyes and let my thoughts free. I opened the door to my heart or whatever that meant and tried to figure out that person in front of me. My stomach went taut, my heart beats increased steadily as the vision of this man came into my mind. He was tall and muscular, black hair, blue faded jeans, red hoodie and he was....white light.

What the hell? I opened my eyes in frustration, I couldn't see his stupid face due to the white light. 

"Ughhhh, I knew this was untrue. How can someone's face suddenly pop up in my head anyways," I mumbled with irritation as I leaned back into my bed.

But why do I feel that I am love? The red hoodie and the muscular chest seemed awfully familiar. And most of all, why do I feel that I am in love with....Sanskaar?



"I can't eat this," I stubbornly declared as I tried to look at the bowl of soup placed in front of me. I mentioned I hate soup right? Well, this man here, Zain was giving me soup to eat/drink and this is the last thing I will do before dying. Eat soup.

"Why is that?" He asked me in a low mock.

"I hate soup," I spat out with disgust.

"Die with hunger then," he stated emotionless.

I shrugged casually and nodded my head in his direction, completely know to the fact that he couldn't see me but still. The chain I was tied to was extremely hard and was hurting terribly. I badly needed some room to breath.

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