Chapter 2

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Above is Aria.

The pounding in my head forces me out of the comfort of unconsciousness. I try to open my jaw, but blinding pain shoots through my whole head, making me lay completely still.

I almost sit up when I feel a bed under me. An actual bed. My heart begins to race, making something beat in sync with my heart.

What are we doing on a bed?! We only belong on our dog mat!! We have to move.

Calm down Zane. We are safe here. We belong on a bed, not the bed of a dog.

But we're an omega. We don't deserve anything above standard omega stuff.

You will learn why we shouldn't be treated like an omega later.

With that, he retreats into my mind. I hear people rushing around near me, making my heart beat faster. If only I could tense to protect myself better. But it's like my body is being weighed down by concrete.

The familiar smell of caramel fills my nose. Aria.

"What's wrong with him? Why is his heart beating fast?"

"We believe that he is waking up. We just have to wait and see."

I feel Arias hands on my own. I try to move, but all I manage is a twitch of my fingers. She grips my hand harder, and I can hear her mumbling something. The weight that was holding me down seems to slowly recede.

I take a shallow gasp before opening my eyes. As soon as lights flood into my vision, I clench my eyes shut before blinking. As soon as I can see, I see the happy face of Aria.

I crack my own smile, making her grin bigger.

"Finally. You had me worried. You do that again, I'll put you in the hospital myself!"

She lightly punches my arm, making me look at her with fake hurt. I can't hold it for long as soon as she gives me her own pout. I laugh a little, before grabbing my head.

I hiss out a breath of pain. I feel Aria grab my arms, trying to pry them from my head.

"Zane, let go of your head. Please, it will only make it worse."

I hear the the pleading tone in her voice, so I reluctantly pull my hands away. I look over at Aria, my hands at my side. She gazes at me, her green eyes sparkling.

They glaze over, probably mind linking the doctor. To my surprise, both Alpha Kayla and the doctor come through the door. I quickly look at my lap, both wolves that just entered are higher in rank.

I hear the doctor rush around and check everything, while Aria and Alpha Kayla seem to be talking. I just stare at my lap, trying not to create a headache. I hear the doctor mumble some things to the alpha, but I know better then to eavesdrop.

I feel Arias soft hand on my chin and I finally look up at her with my ice blue eyes. Her forest green eyes look at me with a mixture of emotions.

"You ok? You've been staring at your lap for 10 minutes."

A shocked look crosses my face. I didn't know I was looking down that long. I remember her question and nod my head yes, telling her I am ok. As soon as I stop moving my head, pain spreads through it, making me gasp in pain.

I hear someone yell to the doctor. They rush back in, before sticking a needle in my arm. I wince and try to sit up and they gently push my back down.

A heaviness in my body makes me give in to the welcoming peace of sleep.

Alpha Kaylas POV

I look down at my mate as the drugs take over him, allowing him to sleep soundly and without pain. He has snowy white hair and ice blue eyes. It's almost as if he's carved from ice itself.

All the scars and wounds that cover his body were opened up to me as they changed him a few days ago. I knew that my pack was hurting someone, what I didn't expect was for that someone to be the omega and my mate.

I remember the day this happened, we had run into each other. He offered a hand, not knowing who I was and he took the blame. As soon as I touched him, I knew I was his mate, but it seems he didn't.

He looked like he feared me and everyone around him, except that red head. My wolf growls even thinking about her.

When I asked her how she knew him, she told me that they were both omega born and that his name is Zane. She told me that he protects her from everything.

I'm snapped out of my memories as the door to my fathers office opens. I quickly walk inside, before closing the thick wood door.

"What did you want to tell me?"

I thought about telling him about my new found mate, but I decide against it.

"I've become the best in my training class."

He grins brightly, love and admiration in his gaze.

"Congrats hon'!! Now we just need to get those grades up to all A's."

I nod and rush out, not knowing what to do. Harley, my beta, is on patrol with her mate. My friends are shopping or at the movies and I'm here all alone. I could always call the red head omega to get up here.

But that would just be us sitting there awkwardly, staring at the tv as it plays some boring movie that we have probably both watched a lot of times.

I sigh, wondering if I should join her next to Zane, get to know her. I shrug and go down. It's the best I've got right now.

Hola Amigos!!! Or Amigas, doesn't rlly matter. Anyway, chapter 2 is finally out, after a day of waiting. Seems like it's so long, doesn't it....

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, and if you don't like it, don't leave bad comments. Not that I've gotten any. 0.0


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