Chapter 7

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My eyes narrow, already expecting that question. I take a step back and watch as the hurt fills her eyes. I ignore it and keep my face void of any emotion, not wanting her to stay any longer.

"You should leave. This is not a good place for you."

My words are thick, like how a bear would sound of it could speak. Every word sounds wolfish, but I don't care. Her eyes widen before her shoulders slump in sadness.

"Why? Why can't I stay with you? If I leave will you come back with me?"

I bare my teeth a little, my wolf getting annoyed at all the questions.

"Too many questions. I will not go back, and you cannot stay here. Too dangerous for you."

She looks up at me in disbelief. Tears being to brim in her eyes. My broken heart clenches a little, some emotion coming back to me.

"Why? Is being in a pack where I have the potential of being beaten safer then being here?"

I hear the lie in her voice, knowing she just want to stay with me.

"Lies. You have made friends that will keep you safe. Safer then I can. Visit when you can, but I'm not promising I will always be here. And when I am, I'm going to be different every time."

She nods, wiping away the tear that begin to roll down her cheeks. She rushes into my chest, wrapping her arms around me. I hesitantly wrap my arms around her in a loose hug.

The sound of the alarm breaks our short hug. I instantly shift, racing off to the battle and leaving Aria behind. I raced through the woods, wanting to get there before the pack fighters even take a step in that direction.

I burst through the clearing just as the first rogue leaps on a pack wolf. I quickly tear the rogue off, making sure the wolf isn't injured, before ending the rogues life.

I quickly rush around, taking down rogues, left and right. A sharp pain in my back leg has me yelp, before I snarl and face my attacker. Kayla's wolf hangs on my leg, making me snarl.

I feel myself get bit by multiple other wolfs, and I feel them dragging me to the cells. I struggle with all my might, not wanting to be in my "mates" grasp. Even her scent sent me in a rage.

"Let him go!!"

My eyes snap to Aria, and I see her shaking in anger. Even the pack wolves look at her in surprise, for they haven't seen Aria absolutely furious. They snap out of their surprise quickly and focus on dragging me to the cells.

Kayla drops me, before shifting and walking over to Aria.

"You will not command me. You may be my friend, but I'm still your alpha. What does this rogue mean to you?"

I watch as Aria cowered a little, the dominance radiating off of Kayla like a waterfall. I snarl, trying to get out of the pack wolves grip, only to feel their teeth go deeper into my muscles.

I whip my head around and bite the closes wolfs muzzle, making him let go of me. I quickly kick the rest off and then rush to stand in front of Aria. I snarl deeply, forcing Kayla to take a step back.

Hatred is the only thing that burns in my eyes. When she tries to take a step toward me, I snarl again, making her stay in place. I put Arias hand on my now healed pelt, and we start walking away.

"Aria!! Why are you walking away with a rogue?! They just attacked us and you want to join them!?"

I freeze and snarl, letting all my anger into it.

"This rogue has protected our pack multiple times, and you want to imprison him?"

I turn just in time to see Kayla nod.

"He's still a rogue, and in our territory. He cannot be allowed to escape."

I take that as my cue to try to run, since they obviously won't let me off the territory any other way. I turn and sprint as fast as my legs will carry me, only to feel a sharp pain in my back leg.

I skid to a stop and look back at my leg, only to see a dart in it.

When did they get darts?!

I don't answer him since I'm already swaying. I collapse onto my side, not able to move a muscle. Soon enough, Kayla and some warriors stand over me, before carrying me back to the pack house and down to the cells.

The coldness of the cells reaches my bones, my anger and hate spiraling out of control. I try to move a muscle, but it's only until after they close the door that I start moving. I quickly stand and let out a roar of anger.

After all the things we did for them, and they can't even be grateful!!!! Stupid mutts, you deserve to rot!!!!!

I let out a deep growl, before pacing the cage. They look at me in amusement, as I watch them carefully, waiting for one of them to make a stupid move. I stare into each of their eyes as I continue to pace.

When I feel the power of a beta from one of their eyes, I stare into the eyes, challenging him. I watch as his face twitches before his eyes darken, a sign his wolf doesn't like the challenge.

He lets out a roar, and before anyone could stop him, he rips the cell door open and shifts, charging at me. I quickly kick his feet out from under him, before standing over him.

I let my alpha aura out, and he quickly submits. I walk out of the cell, my dominance still showing to the other wolves that watch me with fear. I quickly run out of the cells and towards my den.

I hear the alarm go off, and soon enough, Kayla and her wolves are chasing me. I run faster, propelling myself forward with longer strides. I quickly outrun them, and pretty soon, I'm at my den.

I quickly climb in, and settle in my sleep corner. My chest slightly rises up and down at a faster rate then normal, for I had just run for a while. I hear the pants of the wolves, and I grin.

Can't even run as long as me. Pathetic.

I chuckle to myself in my head, before laying down my head and closing my eyes. My ears continue to twitch as I slowly drift off into sleep.

Guys!!!! Finally another chapter out!!!! Sorry for not having anything out sooner, soccer is taking up most of my time. And now studying will be too since I have finals all this week, but be prepared for summer!!! So many new chapter are gonna come out!!


Omega Rejected Alpha Regret It | Wattys 2017/2018 | Completed|Where stories live. Discover now