Chapter 6

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A few weeks later..

Zanes POV

When I hear Aria's howl, I howl in return. I quickly run away, leading my scent away from the cabin I was staying at.

I quickly loop around, running straight back into the cabin. The half roof does its job and keeps the rain out of the area I want dry. I shake my wet fur, before walking to a corner. I circle a few times before laying down, making myself comfortable.

We should dye our fur!!! I wanna look cool!!!

Ugh... Why do you want to now?? Can we sleep first?

No, we must dye our fur. Just incase they do find us.

I sigh and get up.

So, where are we gonna get said dye?

Umm..... Uhh..... At the store.... Where else?!?!

Shut up.....

I walk to the nearest store, grab black dye, and pay for it. I shift and run back  to the house, the dye in my mouth. As soon as I reach my cabin, I quickly bite the dye and let it pour out onto the floor.

I roll in it, leaving half of my face white.

Cool!!! Now we look like the phantom of the opera!!!

Ehh.... Don't tell me you plan on killing people.....

He just laughs, making my fur stand on end. I shrug it off and shake the excess dye off. I hear a howl from the territory, signaling a rogue attack.

I will now thank you for making me dye my fur so early.... They won't recognize me, especially Aria.

I told you so!!!

I quickly sprint, following the scent of the rogue. I come out of the tree line to find the rogues about to attack some kids, the warrior wolves not even in sight.

I quickly run and jump on the lead rogue, making him yelp in surprise. I throw him away from the kids, before standing in front of them in a protective stance. My wolf is huge, so it blocks them from view.

I stare down the other rogues, my face an emotionless mask. The pounding of paws gets my attention, but I don't take my eyes off the other rogues. The leader leaps at me, making me jump up and take the blow to protect the pups. I grab his shoulder and throw him, making him yelp in surprise.

I run at him while he is on the ground and I quickly snap his neck. I rush back in front of the kids, my wolf blocking them. The warrior wolves show up in the corner of my eye, making a slight growl come out of my throat. At the front of those warriors is none other then my mate, Kayla.

I growl, before rushing at the rogues, quickly killing them. I scoff at the sight of the wolves looking at me in awe.

Weak. Weak. All of them are weak!

When they try to approach me, I leap away, keeping a good distance in between me and them. Kayla shifts back, but I don't look away.

"Rogue, why are you here and why did you help us?"

I flick the tip of my tail before running into the woods. I making myself move so fast that it seems I disappear. I quickly run into my cabin, my body sore and tired. I quickly curl up into the corner of my cabin before going to sleep.

I wake to the sound of footsteps outside my cabin. I shoot up, snarls already leaving my body. The footsteps are light and feminine, making me wonder who was out there. I quickly climb up to the roof of the cabin, just in case it was someone I knew.

I quietly turn around, keeping my claws from clicking on the wood. Red hair comes into my field of view and green eyes fill with curiosity.

Aria?! How did she find this place?!?!

Probably her amazing sense of smell.....

I scoff at Lyall, his idiocy making me hold in a laugh. I hear her walking around, taking in my scent. I watch as she looks at the black dye on the floor. I mentally growl at myself for not getting that off the floor. Apparently, I growled out loud too, because she's soon looking right into my eyes.

I quickly make my face emotionless, even though it wasn't hard to do so. Her eyes widen in fear and curiosity. I leap down, before standing to my full height, head held high. Even in my wolf form, my head was past hers.

She starts backing up, but I race around her and block the door.

"W-who are you?"

I tilt my head, before I slowly shift back. Ever since I left, except for buying the dye, I hadn't shifted back. It took me about 5 minutes to shift back, but once I did, she gasped. She looks at me, looking for any wounds.

As she moves up to my face, her eyes land on my hair. Since my fur was dyed black except for half of my face, a small part of my hair is white while the rest is black. I also sport a new scar that stretches from the top of my right eye, down to my chin.

The scar crosses my right eye and lips, as the rogue I had fought when I first ran had caught my face with his claw. I'm snapped out of the memory when I feel someone hugging me and shaking.

I look down, not surprised to see Aria hugging me. I let her hug me for a few more seconds before I step back. She has tears running down her face, and my heart almost instantly clenches.

I quickly walk over to comfort her, my wolf only softening for her. I pull her into a hug, letting her sob on my shoulder. I only hold her like this for a minute when she pulls back and wipes her eyes.

She takes a step back and looks in my eyes.

"Where were you?!"

Finally, I have another chapter out. I'm working to get these chapters published, just for you guys, but it's getting harder and harder to do so. Just bear with me!!


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