Chapter 23

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Hearing that his heart wasn't beating was a shot to the heart. I put a hand to my chest, sinking to the ground. My wolf was trying to tell me something, but I could 't hear her. I was too lost in my despair.

I was moved to the side as the doctors worked frantically, trying to revive him. I guess they did eventually, because I soon heard the sound of a slow heart beat on the monitor. I was ecstatic that he wasn't dead, but he was still dying. I knew I had to do something to help him, though I didn't know what.

I heard my wolf speaking in my head, so I opened my ears to hear what she was saying.

Jesus, don't block me out like that again. There is a way you can save him, I think. Try repairing our mating bond.

I rolled my eyes, believing that she just wanted to feel the feeling of a mate bond once more before our mate died. I decided to give it a shot, wanting to feel something before I lost all will to live. I felt my fangs growing, so I sank them into his neck, marking him as my mate.

I licked the wound clean, watching as it closed. The mark was hidden under his fur, but I knew the bond was reformed. My wolf instantly felt stronger, and a weak presence appeared in my mind. I knew it was Zane's wolf, though he was unconscious with Zane.

I sat nearby, allowing the feeling of having a mate flow through me, even if only for a few minutes. I sat that way for a while, noticing something changing in him. While he was still rather skinny, it was almost as if the bond was disintegrating the poison flowing through his veins.

His heart beat steadied, his breathing slowly becoming somewhat normal. I felt relief flood through me, my wolf starting to bounce a little with happiness. He was getting better, even if he would have to be fed bunches of food to even get back to the way he was before. Even then, I was extremely happy that he would be ok.

Zane's POV

My body felt heavy, my muscles not able to move more than a millimeter. I felt extremely different, much healthier than I had been before. It was strange, because there was no cure known for a vampire's poison. I heard people moving around me, so I held myself still. I didn't want to alert them to my consciousness.

Eventually the room cleared, except for a few people. I let out a low growl, opening my eyes slightly. I already knew who was here, and I despised the fact that they were in here with me. Aria and Kayla came in my view, just like I knew they would. I pushed myself to my feet, snarls rumbling out of me. That was all I seemed to do now. Snarl at the people I was supposed to love.

It was then I noticed something different. I felt an attraction, but not one I had ever felt before. I looked at Kayla, narrowing my eyes. I felt my wolf become very defensive of her and her wolf, causing me to lay my ears flat against my head. I jumped off the bed, quickly finding a bathroom. I stood in there for a few minutes, focusing on shifting back.

I swayed, not used to being on two feet. But something I saw made my body go rigid, anger pouring through me like molten lava, ready to leap out and burn whoever was in its path. I turned slowly, feeling eyes roam my body freely. I let out a roar, launching myself at Kayla, my eyes flashing with rage.

"You marked me!"

That was all I could manage to say, feeling the urge to shift. My wolf was ecstatic, but I was obviously the opposite. I felt my wolf struggling with me, trying to prevent me from shifting and murdering our so called mate.

"I had to! You were dying, and I had no clue what to do!"

Kayla exclaimed, her voice laced with suppressed sadness. Lyall growled, unhappy because of how I was talking to his mate. A shudder ran through my body, my bones ready to snap and form into my wolf any second, yet I wasn't allowed to shift by my wolf. Kayla just looked worried, her wolf shining through her eyes.

She took a step closer, causing me to growl. Aria had left the room, leaving us alone to work things out. She trusted in the mate bond to protect her Alpha friend.

"Do you know why, Zane?"

She questioned, stopping all rumbling coming from my anger. I tilted my head slightly, confused.

"What do you mean?"

I questioned right back, not sure if she was talking about marking me or if she was speaking about something completely different.

"Why I had rejected you?"

She answered, ripping a growl from me. Not even my wolf could stop me from shifting if I wanted to, the anger tearing through my body.

"Because you only care for your status. An omega like me would ruin that, so you chose your reputation over your own mate."

I growled out, my body shaking with the amount of rage flowing through me. It felt like my mind was split. Half of me, which was my wolf, wanted to forgive her and accept her as out mate. My other half, me, wanted to break free of this torture and get as far away as possible.

My eyes fluctuated between my eyes and my wolf's eyes. This caused Kayla to take a step back, fear in her eyes.

"N-no... I rejected you because if I hadn't, we would've been banished from this pack and hunted down by other packs. And I wouldn't have the power to protect you, like I do now.."

Her explanation didn't help much. It just allowed me to calm down.

"We can be together now, you and me. My father isn't Alpha anymore, so I can protect you."

She tried reasoning with me, but that wouldn't work. All I've known from her is rejection and aggression. She would have to prove herself.

"You may think I'll just accept you, but you've got a surprise coming. I'll stay here for a few months, and if you haven't convinced me that you mean well, then I'm gone."

I didn't give her time to answer, because I stormed past her. She would have to figure this out on her own, without any help from my wolf.

Omega Rejected Alpha Regret It | Wattys 2017/2018 | Completed|Where stories live. Discover now