chapter 17 (Without A Trace)

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Sunday at work dragged at the speed of a disabled snail.

It was the start of my workdays after the short and eventful weekend. One day off was enough for me considering that work was my perfect distraction from depressing thoughts.

Yesterday, it seemed that something had changed in me. Not that I'd never had a moment of depression since then but, after the toxic encounter with Vivan, my thoughts had opted to drift only into one direction. (No. Not the band) but a new source of comfort I rarely had in my life.


Every word, every gesture, every expression, every smile, helped me peel away a shred of the darkness that made me believe the world was against me.

That's why I'd been impatiently anticipating the moment he'd enter through the door since the minute my shift started this morning.

No. It was way before that. Around my bedtime last night. The time when I'd usually stop reading and start crying with my head buried underneath the pillow that worked as a silencer.

Last night, my tears were uncharacteristically reined in. In part because they were already drained out in the park, but then I realized it was the altering effect after meeting him. Akram dominated my thoughts so much that I forgot to pity myself.

Of course I'd take his friendship! Nothing's scary about friendship!

Three o'clock was his standard timing. I had to try to busy myself with anything until then. For example, improving my coffee - making skills. I was still a newbie and I wanted to learn some impressive latte art to convince my employer to keep me. True, Mrs. Charan was a really nice and understanding employer and I had Asha on my side, but one should be prepared for anything that might take place in the future. I mean, I loved working here, but that's not a reason to keep me working here if I wasn't good enough.

Asha taught me this one trick to pour the frothy milk into a heart shape on top of the espresso shot, but as a heavy handed klutz, an intended heart shape could sometimes turn into a blob that looked like a rotten apple.

Nothing ever came easy I must admit. Especially not when you were counting the minutes until something you'd been waiting for happened.

Why can't this clock just skip the time already! It feels like I have been waiting for eternity!

Asha came closer, idling beside me near the coffee machine at the hidden corner of the counter, peeking at the glass door that delivered a new customer every now and then. It was Lunch time, but still early for peak hour so I thought I should rest my feet for a few minutes until another customer showed up.

"It's still early, you know." She teased and winked.

Looking at the digital wall clock, again, I puffed, perching on the uncomfortable barstool. Waiting for three more hours was absolutely depressing so I decided to get this out of my system. At least I would find a way to pass the heavy hours and release some of my frustration.

"Ash... I bumped into Superman yesterday."

I've had it with patience so that was possibly my breaking point.

"Oh. My. Gosh! No way! When? Where?" Asha gawked at my face, bringing her hands up to cover her gaping mouth as she started to hop in place, her beads shaking as usual.

Her long lashes fanned around her wide dark eyes when I shared a briefing on yesterday's encounter with Akram and the lost boy. With a little twist. I only left out the embarrassing details of my public meltdown and made some necessary changes.

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