Chapter 19 pt1 (Friendly Dinner)

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"You just saved my life. "

Akram began with a humorous expression once we sat facing each other in the cozy Mediterranean restaurant.

The drive had been less than 10 minutes long from my work. We'd stayed silent as we occupied the back seat of a stuffy Taxi cab until we arrived at the nice and homey little place.

The interior was elegant, with an oriental touch. The walls deep red. Gilded mirrors and oriental- style wall carpets covered the main walls. Warm lighting came from the silver chandeliers adorning the ceiling.

There were two long rows of small tables-for-two separated by low wooden partitions. We occupied the last table in the left row. Akram clearly appreciated the privacy which I craved all my life.

"So, we're even." I replied, brushing my hair with my fingers and wishing I'd looked into a mirror before I agreed to go out with him.

"Does this happen to you a lot?" I Asked and covered my mouth to hide a foolish grin. I was using the same question he asked me at the park.

"What do you mean? " He asked, pulling his eyebrows together as he straightened on his chair.

"I mean girls hitting on you."

I knew it was a dumb question and a stupidly bold way to start a conversation with a guy you just met, who wanted to be your friend and you wanted to convince him that you weren't an imbecile. But I'd already done stupider things today, so why not? I did want to know him better. That's the main reason to be here.

Akram made a funny face, curling his lips "Well, it happened before. I don't know why I give this wrong impression."

My eyebrows flew up. "Wrong impression? But this is supposed to be the right impression. Unless you're... not interested in girls." The thought occurred to me just then. I shook it off.

"Oh please! Not you too!" He protested, a bit of humor in his voice even though he blushed a little. He blushed!

"Not me too?" Bending my head slightly to the side, I puzzled at his words.

"I quit my job at the jazz club last night for that reason," he simply told me.

My eyes widened. "Why? What happened?" I didn't understand the connection, but I hoped I didn't offend him with my rashness. It wasn't even my norm.

"It's a long...well, not long, but sticky story." He pursed his lips, scratching his eyebrow. His eyes rolled away, escaping mine.

My curiosity increased when I watched his expressive face change. I had a feeling it was going to be interesting and I couldn't resist the nagging in my head that wanted to know what happened.

Why am I being so irrational today?

"You know... I actually love stories. Will you please tell me?" I requested, biting the corner of my lip.

"Are you sure about that?" He sounded like he wasn't sure about that. A half smile appeared on his lips and my snoopiness turned into a persistent itch.

I nodded silently.

He rolled his eyes and started wriggling his fingers for a while then he puffed. "Alright... But promise you won't laugh at me."

"I promise I'll try."

Bracing myself, I suppressed a big smile with my hand. Apparently I might not be able to keep that promise either. What's wrong with me?

Akram sighed in resignation.

"Okay... A few days ago I was at the club playing my last song. When I'd finished, this girl came on to me." He paused pursing his lips again. "Well... it was far worse than the girl at the café. This one was wasted. I refused her and she got angry... And loud. " He looked adorable when he blushed, looking down at his hands when he spoke.

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