Chapter 24 (The Movies) pt.1

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Awkward silence all the way!

We didn't talk in the cab because obviously both of us thought it was awkward to make small talk while sitting behind a stranger who sat inches from us. At least that was how I felt about taxis in general. They were too intimate and claustrophobic compared to subway trains or going on foot, which was my favorite transportation.

The cab pulled over at the multiplex movie theater in ten minutes. The place was huge. A four stories building with enormous red and white neon logo flashing continuously and casting eye-popping reflections all over the place.

Akram shifted to open the passenger door beside him and got out of the car. He agilely walked around to the other side and opened my door for me.

"Here we are." He offered his hand to help me out. The gesture never ceased to amaze me even though it seemed simple and natural on his part.

Once I was safely on the sidewalk, he released my hand, gave me a shade of a smile and went back around the car to pay the taxi driver. I watched the lungi headdress shaking through the rear window then the Taxi moved away.

Akram's radiant smile appeared again as he crossed the few steps between us.

"Sorry about the crowding. Weekend rush, I guess." Akram said, signaling to me to walk forward as he shoved the other hand in his pocket.

"It's okay." I nodded and smiled. Strangely, it really seemed okay.

Trudging among the hasty crowd to enter the famous place, I felt the heat of his arm securing the space behind me within an inch of touching the small of my back.

It felt like he was safeguarding my aura without making real contact. He merely created a protective barrier that was more tangible than he could believe. The proximate presence of him surrounded me, even though I couldn't see his arm hovering behind my back.

Taking a deep breath to collect my nerves, I raised my hand to comb my recently styled hair, suddenly realizing that inhaling wasn't such a good idea. I tried to repress the cough by covering my mouth as the polluted air of New York City filled my lungs. The streets had always been smelly, and all kinds of odors were harassing my nostrils. But I couldn't care less at the moment.

The pavement in front of the theater was like a colony of busy human ants. Except that ants were more disciplined. People would just shoulder or elbow anyone without feeling guilty about it. I've always believed this was the land of the selfish and apparently, half of the selfish population of New York City picked the same theater Akram had chosen for us this evening.

For some reason, I didn't feel much of the tension I usually felt when I'd walked alone in crowded places. It was definitely a noticeable change. Sure, I was a bit nervous but not to a freaky level. I actually felt safer this time. I wasn't alone.

I turned my face up to look to my side, stealing a glance at Akram's elegant profile. He kept his head straight up, making his sharp, nearly L shaped jawline more defined, so was his longish greek nose.

Akram's gaze was focused on the entrance, the red lights from the billboards giving his face an impressive glow as we crossed the sidewalk. His features were relaxed. A hint of a smile lingered at the side of his distinct, slightly thin lips.

It wasn't until that moment that I realized I haven't examined his face closely. Not that I'd never looked at him, but I just couldn't allow my eyes to wander freely over his face without being trapped into his gaze. But this time, a surprising sense of boldness urged me to linger over his features. He kept staring forward as if to let me study each detail. It was a short distance to walk but it felt like a slow motion moment.

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