«Chapter 20»

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I stare at the demon in front of me, my mouth wide open. "You d-do?"

The boys red eyes connect with mines and he stares at me, as if looking straight at my soul. Feeling uncomfortable, i squirm a bit.

The boy seems to notice it, cause he snaps out of his trance. "Yes, I do know you're biological parents."

I suspiciously search his eyes to find a twinkle of amusement, a bit of hesitation, anything to tell me that he's lying. But he's not.

I step aside from the doorway and lead him towards the lounge, the door closing behind us. "Who are you?" Is the first thing that leaves my mouth as soon as we settle down.

The boy smirks and narrows his eyes at me. "Yes, i would like a glass of water. Coffee might be better."

Rolling my eyes at him, i shuffle towards the kitchen. I make sure it's locked behind me before i start twirling my hands around in all different directions and the ingredients for coffee mix themselves. Not a second later, two hot steaming cups are resting in my hands.

I set one cup down and unlock the door, pushing it open with my foot. Quickly picking the coffee up i make my way back to demon boy.

I slowly lower the cups onto the table and let myself sink into the couch. "So demon boy, speak."

He nods, taking a sip of his coffee. "How much do you know about the story of the crystal wolves?"

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion but answer anyway:"Up until the part where Shadow leaves Crystal because of a threat."

He nods, setting the cup on the table before sitting up straight. "Listen carefully."


Shadow felt like somebody had ripped his heart out of his chest and placed a burning fire instead of it. He couldn't live without his mate, even though he had been doing so since the last year.

Crystal probably hated him, he knew that she wouldn't be able to bear the pain of him leaving, but the baby's will keep her distracted. After all, he'd rather have Crystal alive.

The demon Lord was strong and Shadow knew that. He could kill Crystal with the flick of a wrist. Shadow would feel guilty for the rest of his life if that happened, he probably wouldn't have been able to take care of the kids.

"Turn." A deep voice commanded. It sent shivers up Shadows spine and he felt like he couldn't disobey it. So he turned.

The sight in front of him had made him want to scream. There was a man, not quite a normal one. There were two holes in the place there were supposed to be eyes. His mouth had been sealed shut. Wait, how did he speak?

His clothes weren't fashionable either. He was wearing a ragged robe, with a big hood that was elegantly draped against his back. "I'm in you're mind Shadow."

Shadow looked around for where the voice and from and surely there wasn't anyone there. No one but the scary man. "Shadow it's me. The scary man."

Shadows eyes went wide with shock. Scary man could read minds? What is he? Who is he? What does he want? "I have no name, cause names don't matter. I am a part of the Silent Brothers."

Shadow nodded, even though he knew that scary man, that was his name for now, couldn't see him. "My dear son, i know about you're troubles, you're misery, everything!"

"How?" Shadow managed to whisper.

"That doesn't matter son, what does matter is though, that i need to get you back to you're mate and children. They need you." As if reading his mind he added:"don't ask why."
Oh wait, he was reading his mind.

Shadow shook his head, forgetting that scary man couldn't see him. "I won't be able to go back. I can't fight the demon Lord!" He exclaimed.

"Son, i give you my blessings. Just try, you'll be able to do it. Trust me. Do it for Crystal and the children."

Scary mans 'voice' sounded like he was pleading. Shadow inhaled deeply before saying something he thought he never would. "I'll fight the Demon Lord."


"What does that have to do with my parents?" I question the boy.

"Uhm... hold on. You don't even know my name!" He exclaims.

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm not going to give you an invitation card, just introduce yourself and get over it."

"OK, i am Quinn, and you are Red."

"Okay... Quinn. How do you know me and my parents?" I ask, slightly impatient.

"I am you're fathers personal advisors son." He starts. "I've been on a mission to search for you since, what, a year? But i couldn't find you. Then i find that there's this famous girl called Red Night. I figured it was you and you went trough you're transformation, just like you're father said."

"Wait, wait, wait... Why have you been searching for me, and not you're father?"

"We used to be best friends Red."

My mouth forms a o shape as awkwardness fills the air. I don't know what to say, the sadness in his voice was as noticeable as Justin Bieber riding a pink fluffy unicorn. A/N I reread this and basically go: WHAT?! Where did I get this idea. Although JB riding a unicorn would be noticeable.

"Can we get to the point?" I finally ask, breaking the silence.

"Yes, you've got tonight, then we'll leave to you're parents house. You and Blue. You'll have to sacrifice the pack. No arguments. You'll see who you're parents are."

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