Chapter Seventeen

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"Hurry up baby."

"I'm coming damn." she said fixing her hair in the mirror.

I made sure the girls were dressed and in the car. We going to see my moms outta town for her birthday. I haven't seen her ever since she kicked me out. Her second husband never liked me and that nigga used to beat my moms and sister. I almost killed him and my mom hasn't seen me since.

"I'm done." Cali said.

She got in the car and I got in the front seat. I started the car and drove off.

" Baby why haven't you told me bout your mom?" Cali asked as I got off the exit.

"Cause ion like talking bout it." I gripped the steering wheel.

" Chris you can tell me." She touched my hand and I loosened up. We stopped at a red light and the girls were  asleep. I looked at Cali who was smiling. She gonna be my wife one day so I mine as well tell her.

"When my pops died my mom married this nigga name Donald who was a big drug dealer. He used to beat on my mom and my little sister-."

"You gotta a little sister?"

"Yea but she was a mommas girl so when mama kicked me out my sister hasn't talked to me either."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Continue."

The light turned green and I started driving again.

" Anyways I was a drug dealer since I was a youngin but I was working for the other niggas. I told them bout ole dude and they said I should kill him. I wasn't sure at first but one night I came home and he was beating on my mom to were she couldn't get up. I charged at him and we fought. I ended up shooting him in the shoulder twice and my mom kicked me out. He went to jail two days later and I left home.

I looked at Cali who was getting teary eyed. She wiped her face and touched my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea are you?" I said rubbing her stomach.

She laughed and shook her head. The rest of the ride was silent. We pulled up at my old house. It brung so many memories back. I notice that it was painted different. It was decorated in balloons and stuff and cars filled the street. Cali woke up the girls and got out the car.

We walked up to the door and I knocked. I heard people and music inside the house. Someone finally opened up the door.

"Christian baby is that you?" My momma said.

"Yea momma. Happy birthday."

She opened the door and gave me a hug. I can tell she missed me. She let us in the house and family was all over. She led us in the dining room. The girls went and played with the other kids.

"I missed you Christian. I thought something happened to you."

"Something did."

"I see. You must be his wife, nice to meet you I'm Carla." mom looked at Cali and her eyes lit up.

"Happy birthday ma'am. I'm Cali nice to meet you."

"It's momma to you baby." She said causing the three of us to smile.

I looked at her. She said she was my wife. My mom ain't even bother to look at her hand for a ring. Instead my moms looked at her belly.

"You gotta another one on the way?" She asked.

"How'd you know?"

"Motherly instinct." She winked.

"Mom Randy tryna get an early plates again." I looked up and there was my sister Crystal.


I got up and she gave me a hug. I hugged her tight.

"I missed you big bro."

"I missed you to. Who is this?"

"This is my wife Cali.

"Hi I'm Crystal. Nice to meet you sis."

"Nice to meet you too Crystal."

They both smiled at each other which was a good sign cause crystal ain't like nobody. I heard laughing in the back yard. Momma looked at me and smiled.

"Go on back there. I think me, Cali, Crystal and the girls will be fine."

I gave Cali a kiss and headed out back. Little kids were playing and a group of men was sitting near the pool. I walked up there and they all turned around. At first they didn't know who I was until my cousin Von said my name.

"Christian ! Bro how you been?" He came up to me and gave me some dap.

He was my favorite cousin. Damn near my brother. Of course he'd remember me.

"Chris is that you boy?" My uncle Randy said looking at my face.

"The one and only." I said.

Everyone laughed and Von gave me a beer. Most of my uncles cousins and aunts was here. I was really missing home.

"How you been cuz?" Von said said sitting in a lawn chair.

"Life, it been good. I gotta family now so I gotta keep everything tight."

"You finally settled down? This girl must be a keeper."

"She is. Just perfect." I said.

"I wanna met her. Y'all got kids?"

" Actually yea. Them two little girls and she pregnant." I said pointing to the house.

"Damn. You on it. You still out there?" he said taking a drink.

"Yea. You I gotta pay bills and keep a roof over my head."

I took a drink and Nyema came over. She held her stomach like something was wrong.

"I'm hungry poppa." she said rubbing her tummy.

" Come on. Let's go inside to eat. Von you coming?" I said getting up.

"Fashoo cause a nigga hungry plus I wanna meet that lady of yours." he got up and we walked back to the house.

When we went in everyone was talking or eating. Cali had already had Mani eating and had a plate for me and Emmy. We sat at the table and Von went to get him a plate.

" Aye is this your girl?" Von said sitting down next to me and her.

"Yes. Cali this is Von, Von this is my girl Cali."

He kissed the back of her hand.

"Nice to meet you."

I rolled my eyes and momma tap the glass to get everyones attention.

" Everyone thank you for coming. I'm glad y'all still care bout ole Carlotta here. I see everyone brung present and food but the best present I've had was to have everyone here. Now I know y'all hungry so let's pray and eat!"

Everyone cheered and bowed they heads. My mom prayed and everyone started eating. Cali talking and having fun with my family. Momma was smiling, everyone having a good time. I got this feeling though. A bad feeling.


Everyone froze and the banging on the door stopped. I got up and told everyone to be quiet. I walked up to the door and looked through the peephole. I was a man with a nice looking outfit on. I unlocked and opened the door.

He came in and I stepped back a little bit. My whole demeanor changed.


Yea it's different okay let me breathe

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