14. Interviews

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After school, Midas, Sam and Mr. Lee met in room B3. There was already a line of students and a few faculty members down the hall and up the stairs.

The nurse had re-wrapped Midas' hand, bandaged Sam's ankle and loaned her a crutch for the day. Sam had begged the nurse not to call her parents, desperate to be present for the interviews.

Now, Sam was practically bouncing with excitement. She had entered the room carrying three plastic cups. Handing one each to Midas and Mr. Lee, they discovered they were filled with butter-mints.

"What's this for?" Mr. Lee asked, peering into the cup as if it held all of life's answers.

"To keep our energy up," Sam answered. "There's a lot of people out there; we're going to be here for a while."

"No thanks," Midas said, trying to hand the cup back. "I don't like mint."

Sam shrugged, not taking the cup.

"Just keep it," she said.

"Okay," Mr. Lee said, clasping his hands together. "Let's get this over with, shall we? What exactly are we looking for?"

"Amazing talents and skills," Sam replied.

"Anything useful to a 'super team' of sorts," Midas added as he contemplated the cup of mints and tried to decide what to do with it.

Mr. Lee nodded. "Got it. Where do we sit?"

Sam pointed to a long table. "We can all sit there."

Mr. Lee harrumphed disapprovingly.

"What is this, America's Got Talent?" he scoffed. "No. We'll sit at individual tables so we can interview three people at once and then collaborate over results afterwards. Much more effective."

Sam looked at Midas and shrugged. "I'm fine with that if you are."

Midas nodded. "Let's get started."


"Name?" Midas called.

"Daniel Pots," replied the muscular boy who stood before him.

"And what's your ability?" Midas asked.

"I'm the captain of the lacrosse team," Daniel answered smugly.

Midas waited for half a beat.

"... That's it?" he finally asked.

Daniel looked uncertain for a moment. "Yes?"

Midas shook his head.

"Next!" he shouted.


"Stacy!" Sam exclaimed. "Glad to see you! You have a talent?"

Stacy grinned. "I'm going to sing."

Sam's smile faltered for half a second. "Uh, great! Give it your best."

Stacy opened her mouth.

"Think of meeeeeee, think of me fondly when we say gooooodbyeeeee..."

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