36. Unidentified

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     On her walk to school the next morning, Sam was found again by White Flame. He caught up with her on a street very close to the school.

    "Sam!" he called, jogging behind her. "Sam, wait up!"

    Sam groaned. She'd been dreading this encounter, dreading the questions she knew she would have to ask. With a deep breath, she turned around to face White Flame.

    He grinned at her as if nothing was wrong. "It's great to see you," he said. "How did the tour go? Sorry I couldn't be there, I had classes all day." His smile didn't seem to lack sincerity, but Sam knew now that he wasn't as honest as he seemed.

    Sam hesitated a bit before speaking. "I... I know that you were expelled. Why are you pretending that you still go to ISH?" she asked.

    White Flame stared at her, his smile disappearing.

    "And how come you know how I get to school?" Sam went on, her questions finally free from her mind. "Why do you have a reputation at ISH? Who are you?"

    White Flame's breath shuddered. "Look, it's complicated," he began.

    "What did you get expelled for?" Sam asked bluntly. A trace of fear could be found in her eyes.

    "That's not important," White Flame said, trying to laugh it off. Sam wasn't smiling. He sighed. "Okay. The truth is, I got kicked out because I didn't want to wear my uniform."

    Sam's eyebrows scrunched together. "But why would that give you a reputation with the other students?" she wondered. They were getting close to the school now, and Sam could just see the building's outline.

    "Your guess is as good as mine," White Flame said, his expression suddenly strange. "Who... told you all of this?"

    Sam paused. There was something in White Flame's look that gave her hesitance. Could she really trust him any more? He had lied to her.

    "I don't remember his name," Sam mumbled.

    "But could you describe him to me?" The impatience in his voice was well masked, but Sam picked up on it.

    Just then, the sound of sirens filled the street. A police car chasing a speeding roadster (with dealer plates, Sam noted) flew past them. Sam looked at White Flame in expectation.

    "Well?" she said.


    "Isn't that kind of your signal?"

     "No, it's fine. The police can handle this; it's their job," White Flame answered.

    "Isn't it your job to help the police?" Sam questioned. She frowned at him. "Listen, I don't have time for this. I need to get to school." She turned on him and began walking again, wishing to escape the strange confrontation.

"Sam, wait!" White Flame exclaimed. To Sam's surprise, White Flame grabbed her hand. She stood frozen in place.

"Please, don't go," White Flame said. "I know I haven't been upfront with you. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Please, just give me a chance to explain. I'll tell you the truth- about everything. But don't go. You're... you're the only friend I've had in a while."

In sudden frustration, Sam wrenched her hand away from his. She stared at him, finding that, for once words evaded her. She simply shook her head.


Both looked down the sidewalk to see Evan running towards them, Taro jogging along behind him.

"Hey!" Evan shouted at White Flame. It was clear he was not happy.

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