40. Notebook

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    "Alright, morons, grab a seat and don't touch anything. Yet," Mr. Lee shouted to the Wednesday Detention society as they filed into B3. Most of them were still wearing their villain costumes. The SVE club was already there, anxiously awaiting the moment they would have to leave.

    Taro furiously tapped away at an old laptop, occasionally looking between the screen and his phone. "This is way different from the tutorial," he could be heard muttering to himself.

     Rachel, meanwhile, was sketching out a "Panic Plan" on the blackboard. "Hey, Midas," she called.

    Midas looked up from the maps he and Evan were spreading out on a table. "Yeah?"

    "What would you say comes first, killing the computers or shredding the docs?" Rachel asked.

    "Computers," Midas answered. "It's harder to trace paper."

     "Got it," Rachel answered. After a minute of writing, she stood back to check out her work.

Panic Plan

In the event of MISSION FAILURE* please remain calm and proceed according to the following protocol:

1. Hit the KILL SWITCH to delete all computer evidence

2. SHRED all PAPERS, especially the maps and charts (shredders are located at the front of the room)

3. Gather all evidence and your belongings and EXIT the building as a group through the WEST DOOR that lets out into the soccer fields.

4. Load ALL EVIDENCE into Mr. Lee's van (He will drive it to a secret location where it will all be burned).


LAST PERSON OUT: Erase this.

*Mission Failure: The event in which either the SVE club is caught and apprehended at ISH or Mission Control is found by a snitch.

Important: Keep your mouths shut about this. Remember, snitches get stitches.

    Nate stopped by the board to check out the plan, lowering his shades to read. "Looks pretty good, Rach."


    "Just hope we don't need it," Nate said nervously.

    Sam squinted at the first step in the Panic Plan from where she stood in the back of the room. "We have a kill switch? Since when?"

     "I'm sending you the link now, Sam," Taro said. "Pray you don't have to use it."

    "It's a link?" Sam asked, puzzled. She checked her phone.

    "Yeah, I've got a link for everything now, even the cameras. Just click on it and it'll erase everything on the laptop... and hopefully it won't affect your phone," he added under his breath.

    "What?!" Sam exclaimed, regarding her phone as if she held a viper.

    "Like I said, pray you don't have to use it," Taro laughed distractedly.

     Sam was about to reply when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

    "Um, Sam?" Willow said quietly. "We need to explain to everyone else what they're doing here." She nodded her head towards the Wednesday Detention Society idling in the room, obviously wondering what on earth was in store for them.

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