56. Stronger

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    Midas, Sam and Willow crouched low on the school roof, watching as Rachel faced off against Red Phoenix.

    "She shouldn't have done that," Midas said, shaking his head. This entire plan was going off the rails. First Mr. Lee had left them, then Taro, Evan and Nate, and now Rachel. How could they all just sacrifice their own safety, just like that?

    "We need to keep going," Sam urged. "That's the only way we can help Rachel now."

    Midas silently turned around and peered up over the ledge of the higher section of the roof. Oddly enough, Insomnium was alone. He sat in an office chair, his back to them. Next to him stood an IV pole, holding up a bag of serum which streamed into his arm by means of a transparent tube.

    "Let's stay low," Midas whispered to Sam and Willow. "He has to know we're up here by now. We'll go slowly, and if he turns around, rush him."

Sam and Willow nodded. Together, the three of them silently scrambled up the ledge and began to approach Insomnium. With every step, heart rates rose, breaths caught in throats, brows sweated.

We're almost done here, Midas thought to himself. Just get over there. Get over there and you can undo everything you did.

Still, his hands shook uncontrollably. It wasn't lost on him that this was possibly the most dangerous part of the plan. Sam and Willow would definitely be at the most risk if anything went wrong- Namely, if Insomnium somehow got control of him again.

Suddenly, Midas felt Sam squeeze his hand. He glanced over at her and Sam tried to give him a reassuring look. Midas couldn't even manage a strained smile, but nodded to let her know he'd gotten the message.

They were extremely close now, close enough to see the laptop that sat in Insomnium's lap. A map of the city was displayed on the screen and dozens of blinking dots swarmed all over it. He suddenly began to laugh, a low, wicked sound that sent chills down Midas' spine.

"I see you've found me," Insomnium said without turning around. "Congratulations. I didn't expect you to make it this far."

The group didn't answer. Midas motioned for the others to continue their approach.

"In a way, though," Insomnium went on, "I'm a bit relieved. I thought I wouldn't get the chance to crush you myself."

Midas felt dizzy, and like he might vomit. They were so close. Only a few more steps, and Sam would be able to reach him. It was almost over.

"Your friend is of no use to me now, though," Insomnium said. "So, I'll just be... removing her from the picture."

There was a sudden whirring noise, like the sound of a drill, and a drone the size of a washing machine appeared from the opposite side of the roof. Midas, Sam and Willow stood frozen.

The drone began to swoop towards them, showing no signs of stopping.

"Duck!" Midas shouted.

Everyone bent for cover, but the drone was too fast.

Sam screamed as the drone caught her full and hard in the chest and dragged her from Midas' grasp. The drone forced her halfway across the roof before finally relenting and soaring back into the sky. In a pile of broken shingles, Sam lay unmoving, her eyes shut and unblinking.

"Sam!" Midas shouted. He broke into a run, along with Willow.

N o w . . .

Midas screeched to a halt. The familiar pain of his bones rattling within him sent his mind into a panic.

L e t ' s g e t t o w o r k , M i d y .

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