32. Tour

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   Sam and the others were ushered into a large, airy atrium, where the modern style of the building continued. Few others walked amongst the strange statues that were placed along the floor, giving the room a museum-like feel. Sam wondered if the others could hear her heart, which seemed to hammer in her ears.

"You all may call me Professor Rosen," the woman said. "I will be guiding you through your first look at the International School of Heroes, which you've likely heard referred to as ISH."

Sam did her best to look confident. She stepped forward and offered her hand. "Hi! I'm Sam Wil-"

Professor Rosen waved her away. "There is no need for you to introduce yourselves. I've been informed of all your names and power classes. Which reminds me..." The professor opened her pocketbook and dug out four rubber wrist bands, an orange, a green and two blue. "All students wear these to indicate their power. Please wear them at all times. They are water proof, shock proof, and virtually indestructible."

The professor proceeded to give the blue bands to Katherine and Daniel, the orange to Randy and the green to Sam.

Sam slipped the band on and grimaced. Green was not her color. Turning it over she realized her supposed power class, 'D', was printed on the underside, along with her name.

"Now," Professor Rosen said, sporting an obviously forced smile, "We can begin our tour. This is the Hall of Powers. Each power is showcased here and all of our best students promoted on the walls. As we go through this area, you might imagine yourself in this hall of fame one day. We encourage you all to have this as your goal while here at the International School of Heroes."

Sam glanced at the rest of the group. Randy looked bored, while Daniel and Katherine were sizing up the place. Sam was also eager to explore, but before she could persuade herself otherwise, she raised her hand. It was time to try the oldest trick in the book.

"Samantha," the professor said with a hint of impatience, "You don't need to raise your hand, there's only five of us."

Sam lowered her hand. "Can I use the restroom?"

Professor Rosen just sighed. "Yes. Let me find someone to... ah, yes. Firesse!" she called. A young student, about twelve or thirteen, stopped walking and nodded. She wore a burgundy dressed with a flared skirt and a dark purple mask.

"Yes, Professor?" she asked.

Professor Rosen pushed Sam towards her. "Please show this student where the restrooms are. I trust you to respect the Identity Protocol."

"Yes Professor," Firesse said. "They're just upstairs."

Sam walked with the girl towards a wide staircase. As they ascended, Firesse glanced at Sam's wristband. "Curasese, huh?" she asked. "We don't get many of those."

    Sam nodded, looking at Firesse's own band, which was red. "What power do you have?" Sam asked. It was obvious she wasn't a Menta; Katherine and Daniel had had blue wristbands."

    "Dynamopsych," Firesse answered modestly. "Class B. To be honest, though, I can't imagine being a Curasese. Dealing with cuts and broken bones and all that? No thank you." She laughed.

    "You get used to it," Sam replied.

    "Maybe so, but still. I pass out at the sight of blood. Anything to do with the human body, really," Firesse said.

     "I see," Sam said. "I don't think I've ever really had that problem."

    "Lucky," Firesse muttered as they reached the top of the stairs. They were now in a sparsely furnished sitting room with floor to ceiling windows taking up three of the four walls. The room looked out over the quad and offered a lovely view of the entire campus. Sam tore herself away from the observation area and continued following Firesse towards the bathrooms, which occupied the wall lacking windows. They entered the lady's room together.

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