57. Memories

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Three months later

    "Miss Wilson, allow me to put this simply: You are now one of the nation's most valuable people."

    Sam was not phased by this sentence. She had heard the same thing for the past three months from several different people of varying importance. Hearing it from the president of the board of ISH was no different.

    You'd think being the nation's MVP would make it easier to get un-grounded, Sam found herself thinking. After she'd finally gotten home after the team stopped Insomnium, she had spilled everything to her parents. Their reactions were what one might expect; They were shocked to say the least. Sam didn't expect to be allowed to leave the house on her own until the end of the school year- Which was coming up in a month, but felt like an eternity.

The past few months, on the other hand, had passed by so quickly that Sam had barely had a chance to catch her breath. She had been arrested almost right after Insomnium was, as were Rachel, Evan, Taro, Willow and Nate. Their trials had been long and confusing, as everyone was conflicted as to whether or not saving the world after dooming it was a horrible crime. Thankfully, the team had good lawyers, and when ISH dropped the charges against them, the case had practically crumbled. Now, the team only had a sentence of volunteer work, rather than time in juvenile detention.

Now, Sam sat in front of the man whom she had to thank for the charges being dropped. His name was Solomon Quinieto. She studied him carefully. He was approaching sixty, and had a well trimmed goatee. His eyes were narrow and creased, but not unkind.

"At ISH," the president continued, "We strive to recruit the best of the best. But you're in another league entirely, Sam. With training- training that ISH can provide- you could become one of the most successful superheroes ever."

Sam gave the president an odd look. "Are you offering me a scholarship?"

"If that's what you want to call it, yes," President Quinieto said, chuckling. "Your grades are stellar, you have the right attitude- You'd be great here at ISH."

Sam glanced at the floor sheepishly. "It's just kind of strange," she said, "Because only a couple months ago I helped a bunch of people break into the school."

The president frowned. "Nobody told you why we dropped the charges, huh?"

Sam shook her head.

"Well, Miss Wilson, suppose we had decided to press charges. Where would you be right now?"

Sam shrugged. "Probably in jail."

"In juvenile detention, correct. Now, if we were to let that happen, not only would we be incarcerating the group we owe our lives to, but also locking up the only known Insulator on earth. And that, Miss Wilson, would generate a lot of bad press, most of it aimed at ISH. After all, you six are heroes in the eyes of the public."

Sam nodded. This statement did not strike her either. Her house was always swarmed by reporters and just the other day someone had asked her for her autograph. The others had received similar treatment, but not nearly as much as Sam.

"So," Sam began, "That said, will you be offering the same opportunity to my friends?"

The president cleared his throat. "Well," he said, choosing his words carefully, "Perhaps in the future. As of right now, ISH is a 'supers only' school. You know how that is."

"Yeah," Sam said, looking away. Not very long ago, she had lamented not being able to attend ISH for lack of a power. She knew the 'supers only' routine all too well.

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