55. Bus

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While Evan, Taro and Nate still engaged Firesse in a battle clouded with playing cards and paper airplanes, the rest of the team had made it to the street across from their school. They crouched in the cover provided by a van parked parallel to the road. Broken glass crunched underfoot as they got their bearings.

Rachel peaked around the front of the vehicle, studying the school. "He's definitely up there," she concluded, turning back to her teammates. "There's patrols all over the place."

"They're all sensuns," Midas muttered, watching the patrols. "Of course he would use the sharpest eyes to keep his headquarters safe."

"So how are we gonna get over there?" Sam asked.

"I say our best bet is to get around to the back of the school," Midas said. "The roof is lower there. Any ideas about how we can get up there, Rachel?"

Rachel winced. "I could get up there no problem. It's getting you guys up there that I'm worried about. I would at least need some rope or something."

"Keep thinking about it. We also need to figure out how to get around to the back of the school in the meantime."

    "Could we just backtrack and circle around?" Sam suggested.

    Midas considered this and then shook his head. "I don't think so. We'd probably get caught. We can't keep sneaking around forever. What we need is a fast way to get close to the other side of the building."

    "I might know a way," Willow said. She pointed a finger at the abandoned yellow school bus that had stopped halfway entering the school grounds. The door was wide open. "We can drive the bus around the building and park right up against the wall."

    Midas nodded. "You're right. And busses have emergency exits on the roof, so it'll be easier getting up to Insomnium."

"And we won't need any rope," Rachel said.

    "Perfect," Sam agreed. "Let's borrow a school bus."

    "Right on," Rachel said, peeking out again to get a look at the bus. "How are we going to get over there without being seen?"

    "Wait for an opening in the patrols," Midas answered. "And then run."

    "We sure are doing a lot of running today," Rachel mused. "I'm sure Taro's just loving it."

    "That's not funny, Rachel," Willow said.

    "It's a little funny. To me." Rachel shrugged.

    "Okay guys. On my signal," Midas said, watching the supers who guarded the building.

    "What's the signal?" Sam asked.

    "Now!" Midas commanded.

    The four once again ran for their lives. Although the distance was only a few yards, it was an empty distance, and all it would take was one pair of eyes to ruin their plan.

    Rachel entered the bus first. She stood by the opening and when everyone had boarded safely, she slammed the door shut. "Okay, who knows how to drive this thing?" she asked.

    "I could, but it might be difficult," Midas said, with a glance at his and Sam's hands.

    "I'll do it."

    They all stared at Willow, who took a seat in the driver's chair. She put her hands on the wheel and turned to look over her shoulder. "I only have my temps. But I'm a good driver."

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