41. Break-In

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The outer gate at ISH seemed bigger than ever as it loomed over the SVE club. They stared up at it defiantly, refusing to be daunted.

    "Wait, so if I touch this fence I'm gonna get fried?" Taro asked.

    "Wrong fence. The happy, zappy, ten-thousand-volt gate is on the other side of the ivy," Rachel said, reaching out and grabbing the fence to prove her point. She glanced at Midas, her expression a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Well... should we start?"

Midas nodded curtly. "You know what to do."

Rachel winked at the others. "See you on the other side," she sang as she jumped onto the rails and began to haul herself upwards.

The team waited, watching as she ascended upwards, her silhouette visible in front of the setting sun. Nate whistled the Spider-Man theme song as they waited.

Meanwhile, Midas tapped his earpiece, the only communication they had with Sam and the others, and spoke. "Sam, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," came her voice.

"Be on the lookout for Rachel's signal. It should come any second."

"What am I looking for?"

"A text message probably," Midas said. He shielded his eyes from the sun and craned his neck, trying to decide if Rachel had reached the top yet.

"Alright, got it!" Sam said. "Rachel says it's all clear. And there's nobody on the cameras. You're good to go."

"Alright, we're going through the first gate. Get working on that electric fence, make sure none of us get fried," Midas said.

"On it," Sam chirped.

Nate rubbed his hands together. "Showtime," he cackled.

Midas stepped towards the ivy and, as carefully as he could, he began disintegrating segments of the fence. He worked quickly and soon enough there was an opening big enough for everyone to squeeze through. Not three feet of space separated them from the industrial electric fence, which still hummed with energy.

"Took you guys long enough," Rachel said as she hopped down from the other side of the fence.

"Everyone stay back," Midas warned. "We haven't gotten the green light from Sam yet."

Taro watched the fence before them, his brow already sweating. "I don't like being so close to this thing," he admitted. He tried to look past the fence to take his mind off of the possibility of getting electrocuted. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something flying wildly in the sky, near the front of the school. He focused on it and his eyes grew wide.

"Midas," he hissed urgently. "Tell Sam they need to check the cameras at the front of the school. There's something out there." He pointed at the flying shape.

Midas frowned and looked where Taro had pointed. "Sam," he said, "We need eyes on the front of ISH, there's something flying around out there."


They waited for a moment before Sam's voice came back to Midas' earpiece. "Oh my gosh. You're never gonna believe who's up there."

"Tell me."

"It's Overdrive!" Sam laughed. "I guess she decided to help after all."

    "You're kidding!" Midas exclaimed, squinting back at the shape. Sure enough, it was recognizable as Overdrive's pink and purple suit, which was obviously much more mobile than it had been before. Faint shouts could be heard as she flung supers with her grav-gloves and tore off chunks of the building closest to her.

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