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"I want to thank you all for being here," Mrs. Hayes said from the podium in front of the small crowd, "To celebrate this joyous occasion- The unveiling of our new school facilities. Thank you very much for your continued patience and support."

    Mrs. Hayes paused and there was some applause from the crowd. Among the people who stood listening on the lawn were the SVE club. All seven members were present.

    As Mrs. Hayes began to speak again, Sam leaned over towards Midas and whispered, "How are you doing? Alright?"

    Midas rolled his eyes. "I wish you'd stop asking that. I'm fine."

    "I know, I know," Sam said. "It just feels... weird. You don't look like yourself, I guess." Midas' new look had taken some getting used to. It was incredible how much a haircut and a change of wardrobe could alter one's overall impression. Mainly, it was the mask that Sam felt the absence of. She wasn't used to Midas looking so... normal.

    Midas smiled and shook his head. "Believe me, I'm more myself now than I've been in a long time."

    "As most of you know," Mrs. Hayes was saying, "The, erm, incident a while back gave the board a lot of time to reflect while the school was under repair. That reflection led us to question what kind of values our school stands for. Values such as excellence. Commitment. And above all, community. These are the things that our children will build their futures on. They have the capability not to just survive, but to be extraordinary. That is why, I am pleased to announce the new name that our school will be known by."

    A rolled up banner behind her was suddenly let out. Three words in bold black type were printed across it.

    "The School for the Very Extraordinary. Or, as it's been affectionately dubbed by the staff-" She paused, and looked significantly at Midas and the rest of his friends. "SVE."

    There was another round of applause, and the SVE club looked at each other in surprise.

    "Did you know about this?" Evan asked Sam.

    "I didn't have a clue," Sam replied.

    "Our new hero program," Mrs. Hayes continued. "Will be unlike any other currently in existence. Instead of pressuring students to be super heroes, it will allow for the average, every day sort of heroes. Heroes in life. That's why, our hero program will accept any student with an interest in it- Regardless of their power status."

Sam absolutely beamed with anticipation. She looked around to see the expressions of the others in the crowd. Her eyes happened to settle on a familiar face, which stared straight at her. Her pulse quickened and her expression grew grim.

"I'll be back," she whispered to the others. As Mrs. Hayes continued her speech, Sam made her way towards the back of the crowd, towards the trees at the end of the parking lot. The individual watched her approach but made no attempt to meet her.

    "What do you want, Asher?" she asked when she had gotten within speaking distance and not a bit closer.

    Asher, who was in his own form, leaned against a tree, arms crossed. "I didn't come here to fight, Sam. Today, I come as an ally."

    "Oh, really?" Sam asked, unconvinced. "How could you be my ally?"

    "You might not have realized," Asher said, "But Midas has made a lot of enemies in the past. Heroes, villains- He's been on both sides of the coin."

    "I know."

    "Then you must wonder why very few have come after him in the past year," Asher continued. "Insomnium had a part in that. For a while, Midas was able to live in relative hiding. But the bungled job at ISH blew his cover out of the water. Lots of very powerful, very angry people know where he is now. And Insomnium isn't around to protect him, now."

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