53. Apocolypse

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The SVE club, reunited at last, sat in Mr. Lee's speeding automobile, packed in like sardines. Midas and Sam had quickly filled the others in on their situation and what they intended to do.

"They're not chasing us?" Taro asked from where he sat on the floor in the back seat, his knees drawn up to his chest. He tried (without much success) to look out the back window.

Evan, who sat on the backseat between Nate and Willow, glanced behind them. "That's odd. They didn't send anyone after us?"

"They probably can't spare anyone," Midas said. He and Sam had somehow managed to share the front passenger seat, although the arrangement was less than comfortable, which could be said for all since there were eight people packed in a five passenger car. "The containment facility was never fully staffed- And they've got other, more dangerous prisoners, you know. They'll put out warrants for your arrests and wait for someone else to find you."

    Nate groaned. "Well. Who else is on team 'grounded-for-life'?"

    He raised his hand along with everyone else besides Midas and Taro.

    "Wait," Rachel said, perched precariously on the middle console. "If we save the world, wouldn't that balance things out? I mean, you can't arrest world-savers, right?"

    Midas shook his head. "I wish that were possible. If we succeed, they might be a bit more lenient on us though." He looked out the window, watching the barren highway pass by. "I'm sorry I got you all involved in this. This was a bad idea from the start."

    "Hey," Sam said, "Stop that. We're all in this together now, like it or not. So stop apologizing and start coming up with a plan."

    "You don't have a plan?" three different voices asked at once.

    "Here's the plan," Midas said, turning around to face everyone. "We're about to enter the city again. When we get there, it's going to be pandemonium like you've never seen it before. We need to stay calm and stay together. Our objective is to find Insomnium and take away the serum. We get that, he won't be able to control the supers anymore. You got that?"

    Heads nodded all around, every face serious and attentive.

    "Rachel, you're our best, well, only fighter. You need to help us out against any short-range opponents that we encounter. You're our best bet against sensuns and forzatacs. You up for it?"

    Rachel made a show of cracking her knuckles. "Absolutely."

    Midas moved on. "Evan, Nate. Dynamopsyches and Technas have sight based abilities. You need to flood their vision. Aim for the eyes."

Nate held up his cards, stored neatly back in their box. "They never confiscated the rest of my cards. I still have five other decks."

Evan just shrugged. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be, seeing as I don't have any paper."

Mr. Lee sighed. "My binders are in the glovebox. You can use those."

All stared in shock at Mr. Lee, who had volunteered his precious binders to be torn up and used as ammunition.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Don't give me that look. If everyone's going to be dead or enslaved or whatever else in a couple hours, my theories on invisibility aren't going to do anybody any favors."

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