50. Powerless

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    Midas didn't know how long he'd stayed like that, curled in a ball, freezing from the cold. His fingers, his mind, his lips- They all felt numb.

     How could he have been so ignorant? The battle he had been fighting for nearly his entire life had ended in his defeat.

    It would have been better, he told himself bitterly, If I had never been a hero. If I had never met Sam. Or Nate or Rachel or... Or any of them. Now look what I've done to them.

    His chest felt weighed down when he thought of Taro, Willow, Rachel, Nate and Evan being captured, of the look of disappointment in Sam's eyes. He had thought he had been protecting them in the long run, but it was clear now that nobody had won. Insomnium just couldn't be beat.

    The wind from outside the broken window picked up suddenly and papers from Midas' backpack fluttered out into the room. The black notebook, which had spilled out of the backpack, was pushed open by the strong gust and the pages began to turn rapidly.

    Midas watched the pages turning and turning before finally snapping out of his stupor and grabbing the notebook. He straightened out the pages and was about to close it when he noticed a page full of bright colors flip past him. He squinted and turned back to the page. He hadn't put this here. The words were written in boldly colored markers, sporadically through the page. There were six entries in all, varying in length. Midas read the first one.

I can't believe we're actually doing this. If this all works out, we'll go down in the history books!

     Midas looked away from the notebook, trying to think straight. Had Sam gotten the other members to sign the book? He continued to read the page.

Let's kick some pretentious ISH butt!!

Willow :)

Taro- aka the Human Black Hole™

Let's all make it back safe
Evan Swartz

Midas felt his eyes fill with tears. He gripped the notebook tightly, until his knuckles turned white. The last entry had to be Sam's. It was much longer than the others. He sniffed once and then forced himself to read it.

If you're reading this, that means that you made it back from ISH alive- Or you're snooping, in which case GET OUT. Anyway, I'm sitting here in B3, wringing my hands, waiting for you guys to get to ISH. I get the feeling something amazing is going to happen tonight, I'm not sure why. Ever since we started the SVE club, insanity and terrible ideas seemed to follow us everywhere, and I guess this is where they've led us. Either way, I don't think I'd change a thing about how the past few months went. I've learned so much, and most importantly, that we don't need powers to be special.

Midas stared at the page, his throat feeling tight. He let out a heavy breath and stared up at the ceiling, leaning his head against the door.

But you do have powers, he thought. And you might never find out.

Midas looked back down suddenly. Pierce himself had said that Sam was an insulator- Possibly one of the only people who could block out mentas and take away powers. And possibly the only person who could stop Insomnium.

     Midas frantically grabbed his backpack, dumped it out and sifted through the contents, hoping that Pierce hadn't bothered to take his phone from the bag. He found it, and stood up, pacing the room as he called Sam.

     "Come on, answer!" Midas exclaimed when the call went to voicemail. He immediately called again with the same results. Finally, on the third call, Sam answered.

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