Chapter 17

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I sighed as I woke up, not seeing Kieran next to me was weird and because my head hurt. I've been waking with headaches for the past week.

By the time I got out the shower and dressed it was almost eight, a low burning in my abdomen coming and going. And I felt nauseous.

We invited Katrina and Solomon to stay with us for the week in order to form an alliance between our packs and mostly because I enjoyed their company. Katrina was a hoot with her outspoken demeanor and she complimented Solomon's more shy one.

I walked downstairs, greeted by my new friends and family who ate breakfast together.

"Want some eggs or pancakes love?" Elise asked me as she stood over a skillet.

"No, thank you. I don't have much of an appetite. I think I'm sick or something. My head is pounding." I said.

"Come here darling, let me see you." Elise said as she walked toward me. Elise was extremely intelligent and had studied medicine and herbology of the non mundane and I thought she was brilliant. Whatever was wrong with me, I hoped she was able to fix it.

She gripped my face, staring into my eyes.

"It is not drinks from yesterday that causes this, Charlie. Your heat has begun." She said placing her hand against my forehead.

"It's baby making time." Alina said grinning as Kieran walked in.

"Can I ask you something privately?" Elise asked, directing me into the pantry.

I watched as she shut the door behind me quickly.

"Did you mate last night?" She asked quickly.

My blush gave away my answer.

"Have you been using contraceptives?" She asked.

"No..." I trailed quietly, knowing what may possibly happen and I could feel myself freaking out inwardly.

Holy shit. My motherfucking egg could be fertilized. There could be a baby forming as we speak. This had me freaking out.

"Come on. Honey, you don't look so good." Elise said.

"I can't have a pup, what if I'm not ready? Please keep this to yourself until I know for sure. Please don't say anything to Kieran." I said.

"Honey, calm down this is okay. Everything is going to be fine. Come on, let's get some food in you." She said gripping my hand and walking me out the pantry.

I could hardly manage to take care of myself, how could I care for a baby? Kieran Lupin's baby. I didn't even know if Kieran wanted pups at all, because right now I was freaking out. We should have talked about this more.

I needed some fresh air.

I stood from the table I hadn't even realized I was seated at, I walked out the house quietly, ignoring the questions sent my way as I exited.

I sat on the porch quietly, staring off into the territory as children of the pack ran by with their mothers, laughing and smiling as they passed.

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