Chapter 26

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I watched as Willow slept in her napper that sat on the porch in the shade, two male guards by her bed. It's been almost a month of peace and quiet.

The question wasn't if, but it was when. I knew they would come back. And I was prepared to fight, but right now I would cherish the moments I had and I didn't want to think negative thoughts.

I kissed Kieran's cheek softly as I sat with my back against his chest with his arms around me.

I stood up to go get the pasta salad from the fridge, Alina following me to get the buns for our hamburgers.

I had just opened the fridge when something weird happened.

The doorbell rang.

"What the fuck? Nobody ever uses that thing." Alina said loudly.

I walked to the door slowly, if you know Kieran well enough everyone usually just walks to the back door or straight in the house, so I grew suspicious the closer I got to the door.

  I opened it to see three tall men standing there.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" I spoke strongly.

"Kieran invited us over. I am Alpha Caleb, these are my cousins Alpha Bran, and Alpha Tristan." Said the one nearest me, his auburn curls set on his head messily and he had what I assumed to be an Irish accent.

  I growled lowly, Alina doing the same.

"Try anything and I will kill you myself, but please, come in. I am Kieran's mate, Charlotte." I said grinning as I walked, allowing them to follow me out to the back porch.

Kieran turned with a giggling Willow in his arms. Because she is the first born of an alpha she is growing very quickly and is nearly as big as a human three month old, but her growth rate is slowing now that her immune system and body is adjusting to its intake of milk and how it uses it.

"You're a father? Last I saw you, ye wasn't near settling down." Caleb spoke with a grin.

Kieran extended his hand to the man, securing Willow as she cooed with his other.

"You've met my darling, Charlotte?" Kieran asked.

"The little lady threatened to kill me when I walked into the door. I think she's delightful." Caleb said grinning.

"Definitely keeps me on my toes, but don't let her size fool you, she can definitely do some damage." Kieran said laughing.

"It's true, she stabbed him with a fork once." My father said grinning.

Caleb looked at me in awe.

"And you still have all of your fingers? Going soft are we? " He said in disbelief as he stared at my hands and then over to Kieran.

"Not a chance. Especially not since my first pup was born. This is Willow." Kieran said.

"Thank God you look like your mother, sweet. Your dad looks like the back end of a fuc-

  I growled before he could finish his word.

  "Force of habit. Wait, she's your first? A girl." Caleb said in disbelief and Kieran nodded.

"Gets that from her mom too." Kieran said.

I watched as it clicked for Caleb, his brown eyes lighting up with awe as he came to realization.

"So that's why you asked for my help." Caleb said.

"Partly. Would you hold her for a second?" Kieran said and handed Willow to Caleb, his eyes widening as he took her carefully.

Caleb held Willow out as if he didn't know what to do with her.

I growled and took her into my arms, propping her on my hip as she stuck her tongue out and began to blow bubbles. This little one was beginning to get some heft to her.

I kissed her nose, chuckling as her eyes crossed as she stared down at her own nose.

Something told me that she would be a spirited like her Aunt Alina.

She giggle up at me.

"What are you looking at silly girl?" I asked her.

She groaned out, the high pitched noise her own words as she squealed with laughter.

"I'm looking at your big ass head, mama."

I turned around to see Alina behind me who grinned with mock innocence as she blinked her big eyes.

"I can't wait until she learns how to walk because I'm going to fill her with sugar and send her to her Aunt Alina's house." I said with my own grin as I blinked my eyes.

Alina's smiled immediately dropped and she stood up straight, causing me to laugh which triggered Willow too.

I watched as her arms went out and she cooed.

I turned to see her Uncle and Aunt, Ezra and Leah bounding up the porch steps, Ezra walking slowly, his arms stretched out as he wiggled his fingers as he reached for his niece. My parents and Elise and James came as well, greeting our guest.

I smiled as he took Willow, the love for his niece evident as he stuck his tongue out at her as she did the same as she cooed.

I hugged Leah, her gorgeous curls now shoulder length and and beautiful.

They had traveled to the neighboring states and packs, to see if anyone knew anything of our attackers and to also form alliances.

I smiled as I released her.

"Turn around, Charlotte." Leah told me with a smile.

I turned in confusion, shocked when I saw Kieran.

In front of me.

With a little black velvet box in his hands.

He smiled at my reaction as a string of curse words found their way across my lips as he dropped to one knee.

"Damn Charlotte, do you kiss our pup with that mouth?" Kieran asked with a grin.

I grinned as he took my hand and jumped onto the picnic table, I looked down in disbelief as the pack began gathering down below the porch, grins on their faces.

"Charlotte, my love. From the moment I saw you I knew that you were the reason for my existence. You captivated me in ways I never deemed imaginable. You challenged me in ways that no one else had the guts to. You helped me in ways that no one else had been able to and you've loved me in ways I never thought could ever happen or I deserved. I would love if you did me the greatest honor of being able to call myself your husband. You are the one I will forever all my love to. You are the one I want Today, Tomorrow, and Forever. Will you marry me?" Kieran said, his beautiful baritone breaking the silence.

I didn't have to think twice.

I nodded and immediately Kieran had me in his arms after placing the ring on my finger and I tucked myself into the crook of his neck as I hugged him, staring at the ring on my finger in disbelief.

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