Chapter 41

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I gave birth to James and Eric Lupin thirteen hours after reading the letter. I named them after both their grandfathers, strong and respectable men. They both took Kieran's dark locks, and James having Kieran's hazel eyes, but Eric having stark blue eyes just as his sister, myself, and his grandfather after who he was named.

I wasted no time after, two weeks after having the twins I was up and training hard as ever because I knew it would help me and keep me focused.

I took in a breath as I threw my last punch at the bag that hung on the tree outside our house, the bag flying off the chain and landing in the dirt feet away from me.

I wanted to hurt that bitch so bad that it infuriated me every time I trained. Especially since the council would be visiting us at any moment to organize the Challenge.

I turned, walking inside with my gloves still on, stopping when I saw Kieran standing, eyes blazing as he stared at the kitchen were James and Elise sat with my mother who both held their grandsons as James spoke.

I turned, seeing who sat at the end of the table and I suppressor growl as the council stood there. What shocked me most was that Alejandro stood there with them. He had replaced the guy who took my unborn pup from me.

The only thing I could think of was that the odds would hopefully be in my favor now.

"I imagine you already know why we're here. Clara Brosnik, Alpha of the Stone Ridge Pack, has challenged you for your title as Luna and mate to Alpha Kieran Lupin. The challenge is a fight to the death. There is no submission, and in order to be named victor you must kill your opponent. Do you accept or refuse this challenge?" Alexander said wasting no time.

"Say I do refuse. What of it?" I said curiously.

"You automatically forfeit your title, and are determined rogue and will be forced out of the pack and your mating is seen as void in the eyes of the Council. Your opponent will automatically receive your title and the right to mate Kieran Lupin. Any and all offspring from the previous mating will be seen as bastards under traditional law and are sentenced to death by hand of the victor or they must leave as well, the only consolation their lives." Alexander said.

I growled immediately, every part of me wanting to lash out at the situation alone.

"I, Charlotte Lupin, Luna and mate to Alpha Kieran Lupin accept the challenge that Clara Brosnik has proposed." I said strongly.

No one on this green earth would touch a hair on my pups heads as long as I am alive. And my next step would be revisiting our laws. They were far too old and needed to change with us as we evolved.

I hadn't been paying attention the entire time until Alejandro began speaking of the rules and the pre and post challenge routines and began explaining that Clara would get to have a meeting with Kieran.

Alone and unsupervised.

"Are you fucking kidding me? He's still my husband! Does that mean nothing to you all?!" I growled.

I had no problem trusting Kieran, it was that idiot excuse of a female I didn't trust. What if she tried to hurt him or plant something to hurt my children or myself later? I hated everything about it,

"Do not worry, Charlotte. They are not allowed to touch. It is a formal occasion, and since you're the one being challenged, you get to pick the destination of the meeting and for the challenge." He said .

"Pierre's, tonight. And as for the fight, I want it to be in the clearing tomorrow night." I said immediately.

Alexander nodded.

"I just can't believe I am being forced to sit down at dinner with the woman who is trying to kill me and clearly has to problem with hurting my children and taking my mate." I said in disbelief.

"Charlotte, I believe in you. I am not supposed to show favoritism, but we are on your side, but our people have laws and they must be upheld or things will fall apart for our people." Alexander said.

"She killed my father. She hurt Ezra, Alina, Kieran, everyone I love. I believe in me, too. You go and tell that poor excuse of an Alpha female that she better have trained hard, because when I kill her, I'm not going to give her a quick end. She doesn't deserve that. I'm gonna make her hurt for all the times she's hurt my family." I said.

Alexander nodded, but his smile quickly faded.

"Kieran must come with us now. He is not allowed to touch any of the challengers before the meeting and vice versa. Or else there are consequences for the challenger who violates the rules. I'm sorry, Charlotte. It's the way it goes." Alexander said.

There was no point in fighting it. I knew that, but Kieran still tried to protest, stopping only when I placed a calm hand on his shoulder.

"I'll see you tonight." I told him quietly.

I turned to Alexander.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my husband?" I asked.

Alexander nodded and a second later I was in Kieran's arms.

I held him to me firmly, relishing in his aroma that gave me comfort.

"You'll win." He whispered in my ear reassuringly.

"I know. " I said.

"Good, because there's no life worth living if you're not in it. " he said as he pulled away looking down at me.

I kissed him fiercely, pulling away when Alexander cleared his through, signaling the end of our goodbye.

"I love you, Kieran." I said.

"Today, Tomorrow,-

"And forever." I promised as I released his hands, locking eyes and then staring down at our touching hands and looking back up at him, praying to anyone who'd listen that Kieran would catch my cue. I let out a breath as Kieran gave a small wink to me before turning around.

Kieran went around the room, saying goodbye to his in laws, siblings, parents, and children before exiting with the other two council members, leaving Alexander.

"I am very sorry about your father. Eric was a changed man, but I'm glad he found his peace. Not many feel that before they leave this earth." Alexander said.

I smiled, nodding as a tear escaped my eye as a flood of emotion hit me.

"He was. In the end, he did what was right and that's what matters. Thank you, Alexander. " I said and he nodded as he walked out.

I breathed in deeply. I was ready. Soon enough this would all be over.

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