Chapter 29

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I woke up to a cooing voice as it blubbered next to me.

My heart was immediately filled with joy as Willow lay next to me in her fathers arms as Kieran held her above him in the air as she giggled down at him.

Kieran was dressed already and was in a daze as he held his daughter.

"Oh hi, my LoLo girl!" I said in her direction.

I watched as her eyes immediately shifted towards me, her face lighting up as she saw me, her startling blue eyes shining with glee as she spotted me.

I sat up, pulling the sheets up with me as I took her in my arms.

"Mama missed you. Did you have fun with your grandparents?" I said as I changed my facial expression dramatically as I stared at her.

She chuckled and I fed her and she began napping as I handing her to Kieran so I could shower.

I came out after a few minutes, the steam from my hot shower drafting into our room as I opened the door.

I got dressed in a simple tee and shorts and propped her on my hip as Kieran and I walked downstairs, Willow laughing as Kieran made faces at her the whole way down.

I grinned as I saw Pierre and Giselle sitting at breakfast with James and Elise, alongside my mother and father as they sat amongst a spread of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and freshly made hash browns, the delicious smell of Elise's cooking eminent to my senses as I suddenly realized how hungry I was and how delicious it all looked.

Giselle's eyes lit up as she saw me, her movements a blur of speed as I was suddenly in her embrace.

She pulled away, looking at Willow who was completely enthralled with Giselle, caught up in her aura of mystery I assume. I grinned as Giselle held her arms out and Willow smiled as she let her lift her.

I turned when Alina's unmistakable loud voice ripped through the territory, yelling for help.

Giselle nodded immediately as she clutched Willow to her chest and ran up the stairs, Elise trailing her to make sure Willow was safe.

I was leaping off the porch the next second, not shifting yet as I spotted a frantic Daniel.

For some reason not a single one of us could pinpoint Alina's scent due to a sickly one in the air.

I immediately recognized the scent as sulfur, the chemical element often used in fireworks.

My senses were clouded with the overwhelming stench and my ears began ringing as the picked up loud whistling of fireworks that began going off in various directions.

Daniel ran toward me, eyes looking around with fear as he approached.

"I-I can't smell her, Charlotte! What if they've hurt her? I could never live without her!" He yelled.

"Danny, calm down. We're going to have to split up." I said bracing my hands on either side of his face so that he could focus and absorb my words.

He nodded quickly and immediately shifted, dashing towards the trees without a second thought.

Kieran gave me a curt nod as he ran off behind him and I took off in the opposite direction, James following me in efforts to help find his daughter.

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