Chapter 42

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I was so annoyed that I didn't even want to get dressed or put any makeup on, but Leah and Katrina convinced me to.

Alina, my mother, and Ezra were staying home to watch the kids just in case Clara would try to pull something on us unexpectedly.

But little did that ignorant woman know that Kieran's life was tied to mine.

If I die, he does. We'll see what her true motives are now. I doubt she originally wanted Kieran at all, he was just a bonus in all of this.

I stood up out of the car confidently. Leah, Daniel, and James walking with me as we headed into Pierre's all too familiar restaurant which was only open for our special occasion.

I walked with confidence laced in my stride as Pierre appeared and flanked me on my left, giving me a curt nod of reassurance.

I chuckled as we came to the dining room where a long table was, the Council seated and you couldn't miss the red hair if you tried. First of all, Clara's natural odor was drowning in perfume that made me want to gag at how strong it was. My eyes focused and I saw as she leaned toward Kieran as he sat unamused in a striking black suit. I wore a black satin midi dress that hugged my figure and had a slit running up to the thigh.

I walked over to the table, ignoring the council as they tried to greet me. I grabbed a chair as I walked, dragging it behind me as I moved, letting it fall on all four legs at the end of the table where Clara and Kieran finally looked up.

She growled at the site of me, and I chuckled at her.

"So...What are we talking about? I love me a good little dose of gossip." I said, scrunching my nose playfully as I planted my elbows on the table, getting as close to Clara as possible without touching her or Kieran.

She wore a skin tight bright pink dress with a plunging neckline, her chest on full display as she pathetically waved herself around in Kieran's face.

She growled as I turned my attention to Kieran, his eyes glued to me as he stared at my outfit. Clara wasn't the only woman who decided to show a little something and I'll tell you, nursing did wonders for the chest area.

"Hello, Alpha Lupin." I said with a flirtatious smile.

"Mmm...Mrs. Lupin." Kieran said with a growl.

"That reminds me, I'm quite hungry." I said picking up a menu playfully.

"What I want to eat is not on the menu." Kieran said as he leaned back in his chair, going along with my playful banter as his eyes traveled up my frame.

In a flash Clara's growl sounded and she was across the table, gripping Kieran by the shirt and forcing her lips on his.

I knew I couldn't touch her still, and so did Kieran, him grabbing her by the neck and shoving her back roughly as she fell on her backside. She tried to come forward again and I growled.

"You broke the rules. " I said strongly as I stared at her. It was taking everything in me not to launch myself at her and ring her neck. My hands shook as the anger radiated through me.

Kieran chuckled as he took my hand in his.

Clara growled, making a move towards me, but Kieran moved, positioning herself in front of me.

Clara's father rose from the table immediately, trying to get to Kieran, but was stopped by James and Alexander.

I let my eyes rest on him.

"I know you're behind all of this. You're just too much of a coward to admit it, but I know you've been whispering in her ear, making her do your dirty work for you. You helped kill your own son after he inherited your title and you are willing to kill innocent people too, and babies. They don't deserve this. They have no idea what's going on because they're just innocent pups. You'd really want them to lose their mother at such a young age?" I knew I hit a nerve by the way he growled.

"You should know before we really do this...Kieran's life is tied to mine. You kill me, he will die, and all of this will have been for nothing, but that is if this is actually about Kieran at all. I think you want to be the only female shifter. That's why you let Ezra go, that's why you're doing this challenge isn't it.l? My daughter was first born, she has the ability to shift when she's of age. You know how strong she'll be too, how smart and fearless. By her first shift she will have outdone both you and I. The challenge is the only way to rid of Kieran and I and anyone in our line because every child I have and my children's children will only be able to get stronger and stronger, but go ahead and try you dumb bitch. I was born for this, you had to kill to get your title. I said as I turned and sat at a booth adjacent to the table with Kieran as Clara stared at me, anger and jealousy evident in her eyes.

She knew if she attacked now, she wouldn't make it out alive. And I knew if I attacked her now, I wouldn't have the upper hand during the challenge, I would have to play by her rules.

She growled, bursting into an auburn wolf as she ran out the restaurant, her father jogging after her as he backed out quietly.

Kieran stared at me and I growled at him.

"You could've pushed her off sooner." I said.

He growled an in a second he was on my side of the booth.

"If I do recall, you're the one who pretty much told me to bait her. Besides, you have nothing to be jealous about ." He said as he leaned toward me, planting a kiss on my exposed shoulder.

I sighed as I rested my head against his with a grin.

"I know. Besides, I look good." I said chuckling as I slipped out from under him and crawled under the table and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He said.

"I'm hungry. If you really think I'd come to Pierre's and not get some garlic bread, there's definitely something wrong with you because everyone knows bread and I have a special relationship. It pleases me in way you never could." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Is that a challenge?" He said.

"Maybe Alpha Lupin, maybe. Why don't you come find out?" I said as I picked up a fresh bread roll from the basket on the table, moaning as the flavors burst on my tongue as I took a big bite that filled my cheeks.

Kieran arched his eyebrow at me as he grinned.

"It's sooooo...good." I said with stuffed cheeks, my voice husky from all the bread. Kieran shook his head, and kissed me full on my puckered lips and sat down.

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