Chapter 37

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After dancing and eating and drinking for what felt like forever, the night was finally winding down around midnight as our last guest from out of town left, leaving just our pack members who still buzzed with excitement.

I smiled as I held a sleeping Willow as I watched Kieran who ate with Ezra, trying to outdo each other in who could eat the most slices.

I smiled as I saw Alina come forward after getting of the phone.

"That was the pilot, the jet is ready. " she said grinning.

I was so tired I barely remembered that we were going on our honeymoon. After saying our goodbyes, I found myself in the back of a car with Kieran who held Willow as she slept, and I must've followed her because when I woke up we were landing.

I gripped Kieran's arm as he chuckled.

I could smell humans, and as if on cue a woman walked towards us. I knew she was the flight attendant because of how she wore a white button down that was tucked into a pencil skirt. I also knew she was a human because of how she was infatuated with Kieran.

Humans are naturally drawn towards us, we have a certain look and feel about us that draws them in because most of us were unique looking in our looks. One of those being Kieran who was gorgeous.

"Anything else I can help you with Mr.Lupin?" She said in a voice too cheery to be real.

"You can help my wife with her bags." Kieran said as he placed my bag in her hand. I watched as her face contorted into disdain for me as she shot me a jealous glance.

Who did she think I was holding a small child against me as I slept with my head on Kieran's arm? Because I sure as hell was not his sister.

I stood up with Willow who began to wake up as we exited the plane, thanking the pilot as we left.

I gasped in shock as I emerged into a world of greenery and ocean blues. It was opposite our home of trees and mountains. Instead I saw lush tropical trees and vast blue water that was crystal blue.

"Oh my gosh! Kieran! " I squealed in excitement.

"Yes?" He asked with a grin.

"We're in Bora Bora!" I yelled as I recognized the huts that lined the waters edge. Alina and I had been browsing human magazines for wedding ideas months ago and we came across vacation destinations of the world. This had been on my favorites list for sure.

He chuckled as he took Willow from my arms as she woke up, strapping her to his chest so she could look around freely from her carrier.

I grinned as we came off the landing strip and my feet hit the warm sand. I looked in amazement of the crystal blue waters that surrounded us as we made our way up a ramp that took us over the sand and onto the water where various bungalows were spread and each had their own path that was hovering over the water.

I screeched with excitement when after a few minutes we came to ours and I ran inside eagerly. My jaw dropped when I saw a cute middle aged couple who had just set a small pile of plates down next to an assortment of breakfast foods.

They smiled as we entered, they obviously knew Kieran by how their faces lit up and they greeted him and the woman caressed Willow's face.

The thing that shocked me most was when they began speaking in what I was pretty sure was French and Kieran began speaking it right back as fluent as ever. 

I was kind of taken aback at my husband's ability to speak languages, I had heard him speak Spanish and Italian too and it amazed me at how genuinely happy and friendly Kieran was as he thanked them.

They waved goodbye and I waved back as they left.

I watched Kieran as he sent me a wink.

"So...Mr. Lupin, you speak French? How sexy." I said wiggling my eyebrows playfully as I picked up a chocolate covered strawberry.

Kieran laughed as he set up Willow in her high chair and gave her some fruit to chomp on since her teeth were coming in.

I served Kieran his plate as he pored us our drinks and we sat down and began eating together.

I gasped when I felt something suddenly hit me in the face.

I looked up to see Kieran with a bowl of whipped cream in his hand and he stared at me with a smirk as he twirled a spoon.

I chuckled darkly as I wiped my face off, licking my fingers at the sweet taste.

"You're lucky our child is watching. I would so-

"What? Please elaborate." Kieran said lowly as he looked at me, his hazel eyes blazing as he stared me down.

I grinned.

"I think we should go for a swim." I said noticing how warm out it was.

"I'll change Willow if you-

"You'll change Willow because I have to change myself and you love me." I said as I stood up with a smirk at Kieran's expression.

"Your mother is so feisty, isn't she Willow?" Kieran said as she turned to a mumbling Willow who looked between us both in confusion.

I chuckled when Willow reached for me.

"And she is just like her mama. And we'll meet you outside." I said as I took her in my arms after giving him a hard time.

I had just finished changing Willow when I decided it was definitely time to cool myself down by changing and getting into that cool water.

I wiped my forehead as a bead of sweat rolled down it. I placed my hand on my abdomen as I felt a pain rise in me and as soon as it came it was gone, but I was left with an all too familiar itch, one that only Kieran could calm. 

I picked Willow up as I walked outside to our little private seating area behind our bungalow where Kieran was blowing up an inflatable duck for Willow to sit in on top of the water.

It was bearable for now and hopefully not yet noticeable to Kieran.

I stepped outside cautiously, immediately handing Kieran our daughter and wading into the water to lower my rising temperature. I sighed out at the feeling.

I was thankful for the cool water and I shut my eyes as I dove below before Kieran could ask me anything.

It was only when I came back up that a shirtless Kieran stood over me, his nose immediately burying itself in my neck as he greedily inhaled my newly and far more enticing scent.

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