Chapter 23

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I sighed in frustration as I threw off the eighth dress I've tried on. We were supposed to go swim down at the lake, but I was struggling to find clothes that fit me comfortably now.

I walked over to Kieran's drawer and pulled out a black tank of his and slipped it over my body, it barely managing to reach my thigh but I was glad it fit at all.

A little flashing of my bottom may occur, but it's not like I could anything over my belly now anyways.

About two weeks left and this little girl should be here.

I calmed my breathing as I reached the bottom of the stairs and went out to the porch. Who would have guessed that getting ready for the day could leave you winded, yet here I was struggling.

Kieran grinned at me knowingly as he sat with Daniel, Pierre, Solomon, Alejandro, and Ezra.

So much testosterone.

I cringed at the thought and Kieran furrowed his brow in confusion as the men waved before they walked off the porch to join the others down at the lake.

It didn't help that it was over ninety degrees outside.

I perked up when Kieran handed me a glass of lemonade as music began to blast around us.

I sipped it and sighed.

"How are you feeling darling?" He asked me.

I shrugged and threw off his shirt, smiling once the hot cotton material was off of me and I sat in my bikini, resting my hands on my rounded belly.

"Better." I nearly snapped.

Kieran put his hands up in surrender, but broke into a smile as he stared down at me.

"You look hot ." He said grinning.

"It is like a hundred degrees out here, it is hot." I said obviously.

"No, you look... hot. " he said and wiggled his eyebrows. I had gained a healthy amount of weight, but specifically in my chest area and bottom half and I looked curvier than I ever had, and I felt good too, but Kieran made me feel sexy because he made sure I knew it.

I chuckled as he leaned toward me and peppered my face and neck with his kisses and I struggled against him as I tried to pull away.

He pulled away grinning, watching me as I tried to steady my uneven breathing.

"I have to pee again, go put those sodas and water in the ice chest please. For me, I'm gonna need them." I said laughing.

I walked inside and up the stairs to Kieran and I's room and relieved myself and walked over to the closet, looking for my sun hat.

I gasped when I suddenly felt a hand on my throat and I was slammed against the wall of our closet, dark eyes the only thing I saw as the tall figure stood with a knife poised against my stomach, the rest of his identity hidden behind a hood and black bandanna that covered everything but his eyes. I could scent he was male, but that was about it.

He looked down at my stomach, as if he had no idea of my pregnancy and I could see him unsure of what to do.

I was definitely not going to try anything, I wouldn't risk it with how he was holding the blade against me, I could tell he knew how to use it from his grip.

He tied my wrist together behind me and shoved me forward out the closet.

I felt fear etch its way into my blood as he walked us forward, his blade still pointed towards me as we neared the window.

"Please, you don't have to do this." I spoke.

"Shut your mouth and open the damn window." He growled out as he nudged me.

I breathed out as I opened the window slowly.


I choked back a scream as his hand whipped across my face and my vision faltered and blurred from the blow.

I knew wherever Kieran was, he was safe at least, our friends and family were with him. As long as he was alive.

If I wanted him to stay alive I would have to go.

I blinked away my blurred vision as I shook off the impact of his hit and climbed out the window, making sure to balance myself as I went down the ladder slowly, looking down to see the man's accomplices below me as I reached the ground. I knew most of my family was down by the lake but I prayed someone was nearby. I was outnumbered.

I hissed in pain as the man nearest the truck gripped my hair, yanking my head back harshly as he placed tape over my mouth and covered my eyes with a bandanna.

I listened to the sound of a door opening and my face quickly connected with the cold metal of what I assumed to be a van.

I breathed out as I rolled on to my back, praying that Kieran was okay. I knew I was wanted alive, but that did not include my daughter. I had to get us both out of here. There was no telling what desperation for money would drive someone to do, especially to an unborn pup when his mother was all you needed.

I felt the van lurch as we began to quickly move. After half an hour of silence I slowly began to form an idea in my head, and making sure no one was around me.

I sat up slowly, swinging my legs around me, trying my best to get a feel for the kind of vehicle I was in.

I winced as my shoulder blades popped as I brought my wrist in front of me.

I quickly began to gnaw at the tie on my wrist with my canines, managing to get it undone in a few minutes.

I quickly rid myself of the bandanna, tying it to my wrist.

I turned, seeing a back to the van, thankful the driver or passengers couldn't see me.

I stilled as we slowed to a halt.

I crouched low, readying my stance to lunge.

I sprang as soon as I saw light, colliding with a body.

I brought my fist down three times onto someone's face, managing to wrestle a handgun from the unconscious man and then I bolted as fast as I could through the trees as I gripped it.

Shifting obviously wasn't an option. I had to protect myself somehow and if I had to resort to using a gun, I sure as hell would. I had been running for minutes now and I had put a good distance between us, but I wanted to be clear and I pushed myself harder despite my body demanding that I slow and catch my breath.

I could hear muffled voices yelling in the far distance as they discovered my absence.

I continued to gain speed, not pausing to look back.

I slowed as I came to a cliff, a huge thunderous waterfall poured beneath me, the only sound I was able to hear was the sound of roaring water and the erratic beating of my heart in my ears. I stared down at the water as it flowed rapidly down, it had to be nearly a hundred feet down, I only prayed there weren't any rocks at the bottom.

I knew if I didn't do it, they would only find and capture me again.

I whispered words of encouragement quietly to myself.

"Today, Tomorrow, and Forever." I whispered as I jumped.

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