Chapter 34

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I hadn't been hearing a word James had been saying as I stared at Kieran as he smiled down at me, his thumbs rubbing circles across the tops of my knuckles as he held my hands.

I was brought back to reality when James announced it was time to recite our vows.

I grinned as Alina brought up Willow who reached for her father as soon as she was within arms reach.

"Da!" She yelled smiling as he took her.

I reached around her neck, grinning as my baby girl babbled to her father and the crowd chuckled. She held our rings on her necklace and I undid it slowly.

I chuckled when she licked my face as I drew back.

"Ma!" She yelled. I gasped and Kieran praised her as we both smiled at her finally being able to call me mama and I felt my heart melt.

I smiled widely at her words as everyone chuckled as I kissed her head softly.

"I love you too, my baby girl." I said as she reached for me and I took her in my arms.

I smiled as Kieran nodded his head in defeat.

I chuckled as I placed my ring in his hand and he took it, twirling it in his fingers as he stared down at the small band and it grew quiet with anticipation.

"Charlotte Marie Saxon, I love you with my whole heart. From the day I saw you, I knew you would be my life from that moment on. In you I found my purpose. In your heart I found my love, and in your soul, I found my mate. With you I am whole. Happy. Full and alive. I am yours, and you are mine and I will cherish, protect, and love you Today, Tomorrow, and Forever and I take you as my wife." He whispered as he placed the ring on my finger.

I knew I was crying because I felt my face wet with tears and I struggled to clear my thoughts as I stared up at Kieran.

"Oh, Kieran Lupin. When I first saw you I was afraid. Not of you, but of what you could do.  You were so different, but soon I found you opening your heart to me. I knew you could make me fall in love with you and it terrified me. And now I love you more than anything. You set a fire in my soul. You teach me everyday what love is and remind me that I deserve it. You make me feel safe and at home. You are mine and I am yours, for Today, Tomorrow, and Forever and I take you as my husband." I said as I slid the ring on his finger.

James took Willow with a smile before he spoke.

"Now will everyone please stand as I give you Mr and Mrs. Lupi-

James voice was cut off as Kieran's lips were suddenly on mine in a slow passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed, his usual scent of mint and firewood floating around me as warmth spread from where we touched and pleasurable tingles flowed throughout my body. I could feel Kieran relenting his control as he dropped his hands to my waist as he slowed almost to a halt, pecking my lips a few times before he rested his head against mine.

I smiled as cheers burst around us and I opened my eyes to see Kieran smiling at me.

"I love you so much." I told him.

"I love you too Mrs. Lupin." He said kissing my head.

I smiled as I took Willow into my arms, hugging James in the process who kissed my head happily in congrats as he hugged me.

Kieran laced his fingers with mine as we walked down the aisle, everyone hooting and hollering. My eyes didn't fail to catch the flame red hair of one of our guests, he was alone and he had a scar from our previous encounter.

Oddly enough he seemed genuine in his smile and congratulatory clapping, but I would definitely not dismiss him or let him ruin this moment...and besides it was his sister who I wanted to sink my claws into.

I chuckled as Willow screeched at the top of her lungs as we came to the other side of the clearing where tables were and a laminate dance floor had been put together and separated the area of tables.

The smell of pizza hit my nose and I grinned as Willows face lit up as she saw the pizza bar that had more pizza with any toppings you could think of and other Italian dishes that smelled lovely, catered by one other than Pierre of course.

I loved being not so traditional because everything about me was so not traditional: my parents, my beautiful little family, my in laws were amazing and I actually love them. My friends were the literal best. I had never felt so happy.

I smiled as I saw Giselle and Pierre who had a major hand in decorating and our menu. I didn't understand how you could make food so good when you didn't even eat it.

Willow reached for Giselle who happily took her as she smiled and clapped her hands as she twirled gracefully with a cooing Willow as soft music began to play.

"Charlotte, you are a beautiful bride." Pierre said as he congratulated Kieran and I.

I smiled at the compliment and thanked him, turning to see our family walking this way. Alina was leading the group as she skipped this way, dragging Daniel along by the hand as she hooted.

I chuckled when she threw herself at me, knocking us backwards as we hit the ground.

My butt was definitely stained with grass.

"Who gave her sugar?!" I yelled as she stood on above me, grinning as she straddled me, her hazel green eyes bright and huge as she grinned.

"I'll give you some sugar!" Alina yelled. I was shocked when she kissed me full on the mouth and pulled away looking at me.

I should've known right? It's Alina.

She stood up nervously. I reached my hand up as I couldn't stop laughing and she took it with an apologetic smile.

I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Listen Alina, I know I'm a pretty hot mama. I know you're pregnant and have the hormones raging, but I'm married to your brother. You can't just kiss me in front of him." I said grinning.

Kieran began clapping at my exclamation.

"Only behind his back." I said sarcastically and finished with a wink which threw Alina and I into a fit of snorts at my joking.

Kieran growled playfully, lifting me over his shoulder in a second, giving me the best view any one would die for as I stared at his nice firm-

My thoughts were interrupted as a screech came to my ears, one far too familiar that woke me up in the morning, but this one wasn't one of excitement. It was fear. I could smell it. Willow may have only been a pup, but she is a future alpha female. She could read people's true intent as clear I could, and her cry was the only way she could vocalize it.

I got to Willow in no time, seeing Giselle in a crouch as she held her as a red haired woman stood in front of her. I knew it was her. Her scent was pungent and familiar. The night I found Ezra, when they took me in the van. It was all around me as I stared at her.

I didn't want to shift into my wolf. I wanted to see her face as I turned her into a bloody mess. She would not even get to see my child or even get to think about my pup, and I was going to make sure she would think twice before she ever dared to go after my child.

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