Chapter 30

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"We need to do something!" My father growled.

"Not yet." Kieran spoke.

"Are you fucking crazy?! They almost killed both your siblings and my daughter on more than one occasion! You must be out of your fucking mind to believe tha-

"Dad! Stop yelling at him! Yelling is not going to solve anything!" I said.

He growled at me, the anger evident in his eyes.

I was shocked when the next second he was pinned against the wall, Kieran with a solid grip against his neck as he growled at my father.

Kieran had snapped.

"You think I overlook the fact that my mates' live is danger, that there are people after her, that are willing to hurt my family and even my daughter to get to her. I know that, but I would never leave her. Unlike you I will never cower from a threat. It lights a fire under me if anything. And tomorrow when I take that vow, for all to see, every wolf that is living and breathing will be in attendance, and all will see my love for that woman right there is unyielding. You are a complete idiot if you believe I would ever put my family's life in jeopardy by walking into this blind. " Kieran growled as he slammed my father against the wall, releasing him.

Kieran's eyes were smoldering with anger, and I knew if my father wasn't my father, he would've killed him.

Kieran growled, taking his shirt off as he stalked outside, his powerful walking laced with anger as he slammed the door behind him and sprouted into his beautiful beast of a wolf.

I sighed as I stared at my father as he gathered his dignity, the little he had left after Kieran knocked him down a few pegs.

"Dad I-

"I'm fine, leave me alone." My father hissed.

"Just because you're mad you don't need to take your anger out on me." I growled as I got up from the couch, ignoring the pain in my leg as I walked up the stairs.

I found Willow with Giselle who had been reading her picture books for the past hour.

I smiled, thanking Giselle as she walked back downstairs.

I had been rocking Willow for almost two hours and had just placed her into her crib when I finally was able to move my hand again, flexing my fingers felt amazing.

I moved to Willow's window, frowning at the silver bars that lined it in case someone ever tried to come through. It would cause some major burns especially due to the wolfsbane it was coated in.

I stared through the window when I saw Kieran below, standing on the porch as his voice boomed out towards a small crowd of men as Ezra, Daniel, and Pierre and James stood next to him.

Kieran's words lacked clarity due to the thick window, so I decided to head out of Willow's room.

I walked out to see Willow's guards at the door.

"If she wakes up, please take her downstairs to my mother or Elise." I said.

"Yes, Luna." They both said with a bow.

I moved down the stairs quickly, taking two at a time and was grateful for my leg feeling better.

I nearly bumped into Leah who was peering through the glass with a now awakened Alina who was on crutches still.

I smiled at the sight of her hazel green eyes looking bright and full of life.

She gave me a small smile as I hugged her.

"I'm pregnant." She said quietly with a smile.

I couldn't help but scream as happiness flooded me for my sister-in-law and I was ecstatic that Willow would have a cousin so close in age.

She chuckled as Leah and I hugged her again as we celebrated.

"I haven't told Danny yet, I just found out. He's going to be so excited." She said as we stared through the glass sliding door.

"What are they talking about?" I asked.

"I don't know." Alina and Leah said at the same time.

"Well let's find out." I said as I slid the door open with a grin.

I knew Kieran heard the door open because I watched as his body stiffened and he turned.

"Charlotte, go inside." He spoke. His tone held demand and I smirked because I knew he was kidding; I could see the humor as it made crinkles at the edge of his eyes as he tried to play with me. He couldn't be mad at me if he wanted too and I knew he would never speak to me that way.

I cocked my brow up, looking behind me in confusion, searching with faux confusion for a person who wasn't there.

"Unless there's someone else named Charlotte, I know you aren't talking to me like that." I said as I growled playfully.

Kieran managed to hide his grin with a cough which he turned into a growl.

I growled back, letting my wolf show herself through my eyes as I drew closer to my mate so our chest touched.

Kieran didn't bother to hide his smirk as some of the men cursed in awe.

"Charlotte, my darling, I'm sure you'd love to join us, but you have some wedding preparations of your own to address." Kieran said as he walked towards me, revealing what they were discussing.

I smirked as he nuzzled my neck with his nose as he drew closer, inhaling my scent before placing a chaste kiss at the base of my neck.

"You're probably right. I do have some pampering to do with the girls. I may or may not steal your credit card." I said as I kissed his lips softly as he smiled.

"What's mine is yours, darling ." He said laughing.

"I'll bring home some dinner. Feel like anything in particular?" I asked.

"I would love to gorge myself on my beautiful mate, but our guest bedrooms may be a bit full tonight." Kieran said with a mock sigh, chuckling as I slapped his chest.

"I'll pick up something for us all." I said.

Kieran went to speak but I peered behind him, noting how our guest were now our audience as they watched us converse, straining to listen to our hushed tones.

I grinned as I waved.

"Any ideas for dinner, boys?" I asked aloud with a grin.

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