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The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.
6: 32 AM.


"Luke! We're leaving in five minutes. Make sure you have everything honey!" I sighed and grabbed the very last box from my now vacant room. This wasn't a lingering moment for me, where I stand at the door and take one last look at all the memories I had in here the way you see some people do in movies.

  This would be the seventh time I move houses and schools today. My dad works for a business that requires him to move different places once in awhile for bigger projects, and decided he wanted mom and I with him instead of only seeing us for awhile until he needs to head off somewhere else.

     Here I am now, getting ready to follow my parents in my car while they drive the moving truck for the next forty hours. My mom has me roll down my window before she gets in the truck with dad, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

    "This is the longest drive we've done so please stay awake. We'll be able to take a break at the hotels dad's work got for us, okay?" I nodded my head and watched her walk off to the truck, then we were off.

  "Goodbye Florida, hello California." I mumbled to myself.

This should be interesting.


I woke up to the sound of crying. Five more minutes was all I was hoping for, just five more than yesterday.

"What's wrong? What has my baby crying?" I cooed tiredly, pacing around the room. The smell of whatever he had waiting for me already reached my nose, making me walk to the changing pad.

"Ew. That's the last time mommy feeds you carrot food, yes it is. Oh yes it is!" Graham's crying starts to calm into a quiet fuss as I talk to him and change his diaper.

   I pick him up again and head to the rocking chair, watching him like a hawk and hoping he falls asleep soon before I do and accidentally drop him. Graham's eyelids began to close slowly as I hummed while rocking him, making his green eyes disappear.

"Baby back in crib," I whisper to myself. "Momma back in bed." I bury myself under my blankets, happy to close my eyes, when my alarm on the phone goes off, which I have under my pillow to avoid waking up Graham like last time.

   I pull out my phone after silencing it and check the time, letting out a groan before I stand up again.

      "Momma back out of bed."

      The next half hour I spent getting ready for school, and standing behind the wall at the bottom of the staircase, trying to find a way to avoid being seen by my family in the kitchen. As I peaked, my dad was sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper while Sarah was reading a book, and my mom was cooking breakfast.

     There were only two options right now. One, grab an apple from the kitchen island and jump out through the window. Two, go get some McDonald's but getting late to school, which would lead to a detention since I'm at my last straw.

    I walk in the kitchen, choosing option number one sans window.

"Good morning." I greeted. My mom looked up as she heard me before mumbling the same in return and looking right back at the pancake she was cooking. Dad didn't even spare a glance at me. Sarah sighed when she noticed and stood up to give me a hug.

"Don't worry about them. They're still adjusting." I nodded my head and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.

"I have to go to school now. I'll see you guys later." Sarah gave me a bright smile while my mom just waved, not saying a single word. Dad stayed in his same position, sipping his coffee like it's none of his business. I bit my lip and looked at Sarah.

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